
FYC wasn't a mockumentary. But I agree it's not on par with his previous three films.

No one's mentioning that the monks were almost certainly metaphorical angels, with their robes and lit up "halo" bicycle wheels.

I'm very attracted to him, but there's nothing grudging about it. If he was a real person, then maybe. But if he's a character on a tv show, he can be a character in my fantasies.

C+? So it's many times better than the original?

Fail-Safe is one of my favourite movies - truly nerve-wracking.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

I'm sure the movie is shit, but the trailer works nicely as porn for folks into a certain body type…

I liked him better before he lost weight to be on the show, but yeah, he's still easy on the eyes.

Oh, and thank you Gus Spelman, for exposing what horrible taste you have, and how self-righteous you are about it. I'll know to steer clear of your contributions to this website.

"Despise" may be too strong a word, but I don't get the praise for Shawshank Redemption, 12 Angry Men, Forrest Gump, Blade Runner, The Shining… full list here, with explanations:…

The mini-series had already established Franco was willing to do some brave, violent stuff under pressure, like killing whatsisname in the second episode. I don't think they were going for stark realism. But again, my focus isn't on whether he grabbed for the gun. It's how it was shot. I would've been fine with him

Ha! I wasn't criticizing the character's abilities, but the director's. He shouldn't have made it look like it was easy to disarm the villain.

I was originally irritated by him, but eventually became a fan after witnessing the effect he has on his guests.

Whoa, that's the first time I see someone on here deploy Québecois!

I got the chance to see Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Aliens in a repertory theatre in the late nineties. I had already seen all three, but this was my first time seeing them in a theatre, and it was a revelatory experience. All three gain a lot from being seen that way.

If you mean the very end, with old Sadie, I very much disagree with you. That's one of King's best book endings, and I was relieved they didn't change it for the mini-series. I almost cried.

I think it was one of the better-quality King adaptations, though I felt there were some flaws that could have been easily corrected. The Killing Floor episode was fantastic.

That was my favourite aspect of the book.

I think it's worth finishing. The "zombies" become something more original and scary. Plus it's a quick read. The only real flaw is that the characters aren't as developed as they usually are in his stories. And I think he wrote a good ending this time. It's unconventional, so a lot of folks didn't like it.

I think the main problem with bad King adaptations is that they only use the skeleton of the books (the plot), leaving behind the soul.