
Wasted food is one of my pet peeves in movies and on tv, especially when it's homemade. Plus this one would've had emotional attachment; how could he throw away so carelessly something made by the woman he loves?

The key problem for me was that it was badly staged. There were multiple times when Jake could've grabbed the gun.

I agree this was the "worst" (scare quotes because it's still worth a B) episode thus far. The biggest flaw for me was the showdown with Sadie's ex. The way it was choreographed, Jake had a dozen chances to take the gun away from him. And why didn't they take advantage of him being blinded by the bleach??

The mini-series has deviated enough from the book so far that I wouldn't be surprised if they had also done so regarding Sadie's ex, so you may still be right.

I think my thoughts are influenced by having read the book, in which the husband plays a bigger part than he has so far. I guess we'll see!

I very much doubt he's moved on. Otherwise there wasn't much purpose to having him be in the script at all.

I didn't realize it was the hobo. I was sure it was her ex. Maybe because in the book, the hobo is only present near the portal.

He's a little too smirky.

It's not so simple for him to go back and reset everything. Especially now that he's been living in the past for two years. He'd have to do that all over again.

Reading the books, I always pictured Eddie as ten years older than he was, and was always surprised when I was reminded of his actual age.

My thoughts exactly. Before clicking on the article, I thought they meant all the Best Picture winners were on there. I was pretty disappointed when I found out the truth.

I swear this is not hyperbole: this was one of my most favourite reviews I've ever read on this site (and I've been a reader here a long time). You picked up on connections and thematic stuff I kicked myself for not thinking about, and just as a piece of writing, very sharp.

I felt kind of the opposite - the show was way too unsubtle about it, adding many instances of the past interfering that weren't in the book (cockroaches, car accident, fire). It started to feel like one of the Final Destination movies…

Abrams isn't handling anything; he's not creatively involved with the show.


Just so you don't continue hoping for it: the show runner has said that in fact, we don't get to meet Beverly and Richie.

It's actually worse than that. People were whining because they had liked District 9 and assumed Elysium would be good. Most of them hadn't even seen it yet.

Yeah, most people agree with you. I liked Heather Graham just fine on the show.

I'll tell you who I UN-shipped:
Mulder and Scully - because I loved their platonic relationship; the first time I saw them in bed together, it felt like incest
Agent Cooper and Audrey - kinda creepy
Jeff and Annie (Community) - kinda creepy
Britta and Troy (Community) - SO wrong
Sydney and Vaughn (Alias) - Will Tippin was

I love Pam, but I think it was to the show's credit that they made Karen really likable.