
Case in point: I think what kicked off people's dislike of Dowd around here was his review of Elysium. He gave it a C+, and the people whined. Then people saw the movie and realized that's what it was worth, yet continued to dislike Dowd.

He's very attractive.

"Nerdy meathead Jon Gabrus on straddling the bro/geek divide"

I believe it. But once he committed to it, he did what he could to make it good. He's also said it was never meant to be considered a true sequel (he had a different title in mind), but an epilogue.

Nope. It's one of the most underrated movies ever made. It really had the deck stacked against it. By the time it came out, the first two films had long since been annointed as two of the best movies ever made. How can you possibly live up to that? I don't know what Coppola's motivation was in making it, but I think

I'm not sure if anyone else noticed that this movie also co-stars Roy from The Office.

I didn't understand a word of that. Then I got to the last word and understood why I didn't understand.

I really like the last two minutes. It made me wonder if you're a Sonic Youth fan.

I saw a bunch of paintings in an art gallery. It made me wish I was a painter. So I took a class and came to the conclusion that I have no talent in that area. True story.

Ugh, same.

I liked the music, but I couldn't listen to the track without skipping ahead because I felt there was far too much Bloom in it. His voice only worked for me when you fucked with it in the last part. Maybe that's just me. Cheers to you for making a piece of music.


Ugh. That scene was awful. What with Cooper referring to himself as "dashing". SO out of character.

Liked for the clever, subtle way you worked Blue Velvet into that.

If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it. Quentin's previous three movies are my least favourite of his, and this new one counts as a return to form as far as I'm concerned. You're right about the amount of n***ers in it, but also about the, er, splashy ending.

You win.

I'm gonna take that at face value and say, Aw, thanks.

That sounds like a game I like to play with my boyfriend.

The Coen trailer was underwhelming. But I trust them. And the Revenant trailer DOES include the bear!

How is babby formed?