
As good a way as any to come up with alien names. That it references a great band and a great show are just bonuses.

This is the new worst episode of the show, with last week's falling to spot number two. Mirthless.

I saw I Love a Man in Uniform at the Toronto Film Festival! Good stuff.

That guy was such a pretentious douche. He posted a fucking POEM to announce that he was changing user names.

I almost didn't even care about the Laura Palmer mystery after the first
two episodes, because I was so wrapped up in the fun characters and
weirdo town, I just wanted to stay in that setting forever.

If you want to get into Lynch, I would suggest The Elephant Man and Blue Velvet, which for my money are his two best movies, but also happen to be fairly straight-forward, plot-wise. Plus Blue Velvet has an early-twenties Dale Cooper!

I was sad to see that Lynch was not one of the writers on the [final] episode

Even most hardcore Twin Peaks fans have plenty of bad words to say about it, and most of those words have to do with the middle chunk of season 2. And lots of fans hate James (Donna's boyfriend). You're right that some of the acting isn't very good.

Just seconding what ApesMa said. I recently re-watched the whole show, and even though I knew it was coming, it was really hard getting through episodes 17-21. But it's worth it.

And everyone who is unfamiliar with the comics said, "Oooohhhhh, who cares."

I didn't mind that arc. I based that phrasing on the fact that it's the season I've rated the highest, with a B+ average. (I keep track of this stuff.)

arguably the most beloved character

Several characters over the show's history have been worse-written than this story. Andrea is one of the glaring examples, but there are many.

It's more like, it's not that bad, and people haven't gotten this upset in the past when the show has done much worse things.

Is this why this episode is being graded so harshly by readers (last week's was definitely worse)? People care way too much about this. It's The Walking Dead, people. A show that finally became consistently good last season, but which has a history of far worse story elements than this one. What the show did with this

*something about two wrongs and a right*

"In this scenario, what do people end up thinking about The Phantom Menace?"

Last season was the best season the show's done so far, so that was a weird time to quit.

Just re-watched these two, and I think the Keaton episode's reputation is completely unwarranted. She gets handed the shittiest plotlines in the show's history and manages to make them palatable. She's the only series director who echoed Lynch's visual style in a way that didn't feel like imitation. And that

Do I look like I was 13 in 2011? :P