
The scariest part of Insidious for me was the succession of photos showing that ghost getting closer and closer to that guy. brrrrrrr

For me, it was The Thing (remake). I think I was 13 years old. The foreboding was just too intense for me. I eventually watched the whole thing years later, but it was still difficult.

I found the last season very entertaining, despite not liking the "flash sideways" concept. I'm in the middle of re-watching the show, and I'm having an awesome time. So I feel bad for you.

I disagree. I mean, it's better than the remake, but I like this article's measured take on it. They both get some things wrong and right. Nicholson and Duvall kill any suspense for me in the Kubrick film, but it has great atmosphere. Meanwhile, the remake has zero atmosphere, but it has effective scenes of family

I'm not one to say Lost was flawless, but seriously, "the blame for Lost"? The blame for what? For giving us hours upon hours of quality entertainment? Also, anyone asking if they were dead all along either didn't watch the show or is an idiot.

If you didn't like the weirdness of this movie, it's probably best you stay away from the rest of Lynch's oeuvre. It probably won't do much for you. Highly recommended exceptions: Blue Velvet and The Elephant Man, which have straightforward narratives but are still weird, and wonderful.

People don't like the ending? That's one of the best horror endings I've ever seen!

A lot of people actually prefer the third movie, but the first one is the scariest (unless you go in with your defenses up).

It's the movie that's scared me the most, and one of my favourite movies that I never want to see again. I was still scared of it two weeks later, looking over my shoulder and such. Found footage films have exactly the effect they're supposed to have on me - that is, they make suspension of disbelief easier, when done

It's only occasionally scary, but it's a good movie. It's best to watch it as a drama dressed up in horror clothing.

Isn't “Good luck, dumbass.” what Glen says to Rick via radio when the latter is stuck in a tank in the first episode? If so, that's a strong argument for the "he actually died" theory, because full circle, etc.

I'm glad I'm not alone. I actually don't mind Piper overall, but like you, I prefer her in humorous plotlines. I don't buy her "Walter White"-ing at all, and I hope the writers undermine it next season.

There’s part of you that’s proud of Piper for standing up for herself.

It's also your 15th favourite, huh? I like it a lot; I can't pinpoint what prevents me from outright loving it.

1. Schindler's List
2. Jaws
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Raiders of the Lost Ark
5. Munich
6. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
8. Duel
9. A.I.
10. Jurassic Park
11. The Color Purple
12. War of the Worlds
13. Minority Report
14. The Sugarland Express
15. E.T.

I agree with you on Misery and Rose Madder. Post-Dreamcatcher, there are some very good books you're missing out on. 11/22/63 is one of his best novels, and Cell, Blaze, and Full Dark No Stars are worth a look too.

You win.

I can relate. Those things are long! It sucks when you waste time on a subpar one. I've been grading the ones I listen to. I would recommend episodes 26, 80, 123, and 245 very highly.

Has there been any kind of official announcement that he's coming back?

I only saw them open for Wilco, and they were great.