
Sooooo… when's Braugher coming back?

I just moved to Vancouver, and I was totally planning to drive down there to be one of those looky-loos.

I'm honoured to be asked. However, I'm moving across the country in mid-August, and I'm going to be crazy busy until then. I'm taking a break of several months before I continue my Lost rewatch. I hope you guys have fun, though!

Ok, I'm convinced.

Yeah, I mentioned the casualness because that's a big part of what gives it power. It felt organic.

This is the episode where I started liking Jack, instead of finding him annoying.

You make a convincing case.

They could've both escaped!


“Have you ever had sex with a man?”
VJ: Fuck no!

True, re: your last point.

Aside from being minor, another reason the helicopter thing can be forgiven is that there are possible explanations. Desmond's vision may have been incorrect. Or he could have made it up to convince Charlie to go through with it.

I can forgive a certain amount of mistakes in Lost. They had a LOT of plates to keep spinning. This particular one is fairly minor. I think a worse recent one is what happened in the cabin; it doesn't really fit with either Jacob or Smokey's behaviour.

Oh, I'll be watching all of it; the show has given me too much in the past for me to do anything else (in case it wasn't clear, the last episode I saw was THIS season's paintball episode). But what you're saying is very intriguing. How did you feel about the season before the finale?

I haven't seen the Community season finale yet; the last one I saw was the paintball episode. I've kept away from the episode reviews and comments this season. How do people feel about this season? I've been very disappointed so far. Maybe one or two B+ episodes, tops. Long mirthless stretches, and a weird,


I don't know. The only thing I remember about that episode is the twist. I'll have to see when I rewatch it whether the rest of the episode is just as great.


See responses just above. It wasn't a detailed explanation, but it explained that they were wiped out by the Others.

I'm pretty sure The Purge was explained in an earlier episode.