
3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain A

We're selling our condo, and a condo that's just like ours (in our building) just sold for a lot more than we thought we could get. So we'll be making a nice profit!

Well, I think it's significant that it's Richard who says they're there for a purpose. He's close to Jacob, so to him, maybe protecting the island really is what they're there for. It's just that Ben's leadership has led them astray.

Unless the answer is, to protect the island. Which I'm not sure they're doing.

Hush. I make these lists as though I had no foreknowledge of future episodes.

When I first watched the show, I assumed that wasn't something we'd ever find out. It was a piece of a character's past. To me the letter was a great piece of character building and nothing else. It was just a bonus that the original Sawyer eventually figured into the story.

It's a very significant plot point and a surprise revelation, but it's not the answer to a mystery, because the question wasn't one I spent any time wondering about.

This is one of the pitfalls of making this list on a second viewing. I forgot that before this episode, we didn't know the con man in Sawyer and Locke's lives was the same man.

3.19 The Brig A-

As someone who appreciates Nick Frost for more than his acting (if you know what I mean), that really burns me!

I'm flattered anyone wants to see what I've been compiling, but I have two caveats. First, what I'm compiling is pretty flawed. I discovered that it's not straightforward what is a mystery and what isn't, for instance. And I've forgotten to note a few things that other commenters pointed out. Second, I'm sure there…

That's exactly the type of thing I love doing, and will probably end up doing at the end. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be current plans for the AV Club to continue covering Lost after the third season, since the rest was already thoroughly covered.

Yes. And from the moment it was pointed out, he always spelled it that way, on purpose.

Weren't you around for Noel's reviews a few years ago? It's an inside joke from those reviews.

3.17 CATCH-22 B+

Wow, the one episode so far this season that isn't mediocre, and it gets the C+?

Well for me, the usual black smoke effects were not good, so yes, same as usual. I think it gets better next season.


It's "ante". Hmmph.

I wasn't thrilled with last season, but this season is making the previous one look classic…