
And you were half-right. It's very much an episode fans either love or hate.

It was not really on my mind. Either way, 'ANSWERS' is about mysteries. That was not so much a mystery as a piece of the plot that wasn't finished.

This is true. But even taking that into account, I don't think it's enough of a reason to hate the episode. I could understand someone being upset at the time that it didn't have much to do with the castaways we love, but I would think upon re-watching years later that wouldn't matter as much.

For me it's the pilot at this point.

1. My ANSWERS section relates to questions viewers have, not characters!

Yeah, I've seen worse cases of Basil Exposition. It was kind of a mild complaint on my part.

I have trouble buying it as being intentionally hilarious, personally!

I'm ranking the episodes as I re-watch them. This one is currently number 10 (though I know it will be moved down due to future excellent episodes).

3.14 EXPOSÉ A-

Thanks; I appreciate the correction.

True. I think I simply didn't find it an intriguing mystery, especially compared to everything happening on the island.
That being said, the scene where we find out is a great shock.

I wondered about all kinds of mysteries when the show first aired too, but never considered this to be an important question!

Yes, I remember that. I think I listed that particular chat as an answer. So maybe I didn't feel I needed Ben's confirmation.

Possibly. Now I'll have to look into that!

Myles: "Finally, after two and a half seasons, we know how Locke was paralyzed."


In case you're not only speaking as D. Hammett, it's from a Conan bit about a hardware store trying to appeal to the 50 Shades crowd.

Candle goes up the butt!

Oh I see, in this case the note Claire writes for the bird.

Oh yeah. That would make sense.