
3.11 ENTER 77 A-

Hitler was also real. This is exactly the same thing!

He lost me at "monies".

"New"? I saw Live at the Comedy Store months ago…

I did see the whole series when it originally aired, though I do this post each week as though I was seeing it for the first time.

I felt as I watched Lost that the show leaned towards Hurley being cursed, but I may have been wrong. Even in the context of all the weirdness, I find the idea of being cursed silly.

How is that ironic?

What can I say - I just wasn't totally on-board with that redemptive van thing. And I never liked the idea of Hurley's "curse".

God, how I hate that hair.


I think the scripts were more to blame than her direction, by a lot.

I love this line from an Adam Sandler film, even though it does nothing to make me watch any of his films.

My issue with this season so far is that it feels empty. I don't know if it's the missing cast members, or some production design/cinematography issue, but I feel like I'm watching a first draft.

Wow, that's the first time I've ever witnessed someone defending "Stranger in a Strange Land". I think what annoys most people is the pointless flashback. Or maybe it's because when it first aired, ABC hyped that it would answer some big questions, which turned out to be… THE MEANING OF JACK'S TATTOOS THAT NO ONE HAD

I think I figured the show had already established that it could kill major characters, so it was totally up in the air for me.


That first part is the best argument I've heard so far to explain her behaviour.

I can buy bad-ass fighter. But cold-blooded murder? That's another story. It's not so much that she shot him - I realize she had to, to save Sawyer and maybe Kate. But they show how cool she is doing it, which didn't work for me.

I do remember that. Maybe when they first conceived the character they had different ideas for her than the kind of person she ended up being.

I was gonna skip it, but you've certainly sold me on it now.