
Well, for Ben, the plan was to have Jack do her dirty work for her. I just don't see any evidence of her being cold-blooded outside of that one scene.

The lesson is clear, kids: Don't pay too much attention to your math homework.

Don't we find out at one point that Ben pretended to have more of a relationship with Jacob than he actually did?

He's not my type, but he's a handsome fella.

3.6 I DO B+

Actually, what happens at Ebert's "smoking gun" scene is NOT the flashback. The scene that begins at 20:39 starts with a character saying, "Sitting right at the far end, near the mirror." The previous scene ended with Pierrot sitting in the car, at the far right end of the shot, near the car's passenger-side mirror. I…

No harm done; I just wanted to clarify my position!

It's not my view; I'm quoting the show!

A pretty woman, you know, kinda short, big wall of hair, face like a frying pan.

I'm not one of those people who are under the delusion that it was even possible for Darlton to know all that stuff from the beginning. I'm simply very curious about what they knew and when.

I'm with you that if it works, I don't care how far in advance it was planned.

Everyone remembers where they were when they read that comment…

Yeah, Expose is the only time I had that thought, and I soon realized how silly it was.

I wish Darlton would allow someone to grill them on what they knew when.

I don't mind if what makes someone a candidate is simply that Jacob chooses someone as a candidate.

Yeah, I originally thought they killed them off because fans didn't like them, but then I read that what actually happened is that they saw the episodes and had the same reaction, and thus decided to kill them. Which makes more sense, of course.

Ha, good one, Cookie_Monster! I'm good with the 33-year-old one I currently have at home, but thanks!

I'm aware many find him hot, but I'm afraid to admit it, because I wouldn't want people to think I'm into "hunks"!

I'm still not getting it. Here's what I thought:
- Jacob decides who's a candidate
-Smoky can't kill candidates
-the end

"Celebrity you're the most ashamed about finding hot?"