
But I didn't think Smokey had a say in who is and isn't a candidate…

Why does Eko refusing to confess mean he forfeits his candidate status?

I'm pretty anti-shipping, but Lilly and Holloway have such amazing
chemistry that you couldn't help but love them together (even though
later on Juliet/Sawyer won my heart).

In last week’s comments, someone rightfully noted that for someone who
claimed that he would be defending the early episodes of season three, I
didn’t have a particularly strong opinion of them.


Wtf? Some people gave these episodes an A?? They were ok, but disappointing. After season 3, the show became "good" the same way The Simpsons is still "good", and that hasn't changed. You could really feel the hole the missing cast members have left behind in these two episodes.

When did you change your last name from "Obvious"?

She's still doing that, actually. She's directed three since 2008 and currently has one in pre-production. I saw Surveillance; it was good.

No mention that this was directed by David Lynch's daughter? I think she did a good job, particularly the awkward scene between Rick and the wife beater.

That makes sense, though I felt she had a lot more chemistry with Sawyer.

The creators are on record as meaning to introduce them as real characters, but soon realizing it wasn't working.

That's the episode they star in (i.e., their last), which is actually quite good. And Sawyer constantly wondering who they are is part of the fun.

I'll buy that new-not-new characters were needed, but I just re-watched the episode a few days ago, and feel the same way I did the first time - that the show runners made a mistake by attempting to introduce them "casually". All I could think was, "Um, you're not fooling anyone - we've never seen these people before."

I don't recall what the next three are like. I'm re-watching along with the AV Club, so I guess I'll find out soon.

I didn't know people were writing them off; I just thought most found them a disappointing start to the season, which I agree with.

Myles, for someone who said he was going to defend the first six episodes of this season, so far your opinion seems to be pretty much in line with the majority…


"He's thrown a kettle over a pub. What have you ever done?"

That makes a whole lot more sense.
