
Anyone who complains about the "slowness" of this show is an idiot, pure and simple. Especially if they're comparing it to Breaking Bad. Thank goodness Vince Gilligan made every effort to make this its own show with its own voice. The scene that gave this article its title? That's COMEDY!

Unfortunately, it's his least funny special. If you liked the other ones, it's worth watching, but prepare for slight disappointment.

His other specials deserve an A or A-, but this one is a few notches below.

This was his "worst" special yet, so the A surprises me. This was just barely a B+ for me. Not nearly as many laughs as usual for him. Maybe it's cause he's kind of happy in a relationship right now.

Ok, I did not read all that, but I will co-sign your opinion of Juliet. There's something I can't put my finger on about Elizabeth Mitchell's performance… I just find her mesmerizing.

It doesn't make much sense to put those shows in the same sentence. Lost had a much higher level of difficulty.

I hope you'll forgive me for piggy-backin, GaryX…

So "uni" is short for "unicyclist school", right?

I've been re-watching all my favourite shows over the last few years and grading each episode, then averaging the grades for each season. This is what I have for a sitcom top 20 so far, in order:

Relieved you skipped entirely over seasons 5 and 6. They had their high points (Ben's Parents and Farmers Market, namely), but they seemed overrated in the reviews on this very site.

It's not too long. It's one of his best books. Read it.

Advice: since most attempts at dating end in failure, keep an eye on that perfect girl. There's a good chance she won't date this guy forever. Then you'll have your chance. I speak from experience; that's how I got together with my current partner 7 years ago. He was dating someone else and I bided my time until they

I'd actually respond more to the grunting.

I agree with your specific comments. The only real problem for me what that the Lex Luthor storyline felt underwritten.

Thank you Hassenger. Now I know I'm not crazy to call Superman Returns my favourite.

Oops, title mispelled "fails to fill".

Ugh, if you mean the one that almost traumatized me when I saw it on his tv show, I hope not.

If you forget your password and ask the site to send you a new one, a message appears containing the words, "Oh my god you're an idiot". Then your new password begins with the word "idiot".

Hmph, no bulldogs this year.

Here's one for you. Don't spend it all in one place!