
They seem to consider or cover a lot of movies I wouldn't really call bad, like Sleepaway Camp and Junior.

This is the procedure they should've followed:

I don't understand why people love that episode. I thought it was the weakest episode of season 1. Maybe I'll watch it again.

Well, since you fail to understand her generally, you'll have to forgive me for taking your opinion with a grain of salt…

Hopefully a return to form…

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when King shoehorns Dark Tower shit in his other story. Because it ALWAYS feels shoehorned.

If they can't get Troy and Shirley back for the movie (or whatever comes next), I'm going to be upset.

Your childhood gets to have a capital "c"? Who are you, the queen of England?

They kind of have to figure out soon who's returning, or they won't know who to put in the script!

They make those sandwiches seem SO delicious on the show…

Or, alternatively, don't see Anything Else.

I assume you've been warned about The Drop-off that occurs after episode 7?

Not sure why so many are whining about this article. I thought it was hilarious.

I believe Lenny is being sarcastic.

I bet you my lunch money ($10.14) this will be titled simply Russ & Roger by the time it comes out.

A lot of people dislike season 4. I recently re-watched and graded all the episodes. My season ranking goes 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6.


The two-part finale were the highlight of the last two seasons. I agree the last season was better than the sixth.

I only named my two favourites, but The Busboy, The Stranded, The Statue, The Heart Attack, The Revenge, and The Deal are also all great.

I don't think that would change my opinion.