
Great picks!

I agree the show came into its own during season 4, but otherwise I think that's a gross overstatement. Season 2 features all-time classics like The Pony Remark and The Chinese Restaurant.

Some might say it should've ended two seasons earlier than it did.

It's true the show took a noticeable dip in quality going from season 6 (one of the best seasons) to 7 (one of the worst).

Best episode the show ever did. My favourite bit is "Mrs Chnandler Bong".

*slow clap*

Holy fuck, Tasha! Ten years?! Just watch it! It's a really good movie! Does not feel like homework!

It's one of my favourite albums by anyone, ever.

Regarding Betty Draper, the writer was making a satirical point, because she's everybody's least favourite character.

I've almost finished the second season of Sunny. I like it but not quite enough to keep going. When does it become great?

3. Gone Girl
2. Interstellar
1. Under the Skin

Why did you agree to this interview?

Whatever you do get RID of "Who would be your pop-culture best friend?" I think about 80% of the interviewees had no idea what that meant, understandably.

I think that meme started with his review of Elysium. Everyone got upset in the comments, but he turned out to be right about the movie.

I think it's the fact that there's nothing science-fiction about it.

How could you?! That image haunts my daymares! (I couldn't say nightmares because it hasn't actually showed up there. Yet.)

"Bough"? Your groot took a tree branch?

I'm surprised they didn't pick that scene where we go into the black goo with the latest victim and see the previous one do… something horrific. If there was an 'image of the year' list, that would top mine.

What's next for the Smithsonian? A lock of Tommy Wiseau's hair?