
We all agree that the Disney cartoon style from that era is nightmare-inducingly horrific, right?

Does FST stand for Flash Sideways and then a word that starts with T?

Yes, I am aware that some people feel this way.

This disconnect between “best” and “favorite” is nothing new

I look forward to getting there on my re-watch…

I forgot her dad had been on the island.

As I said, to me it just comes off as silly Hurley being silly. I saw it as a light humorous moment.

You're right. I think they were going for heightened romance instead of realism in this case. He can't tell her, you see, because HE MUST PROVE HIMSELF WORTHY.

Internet persona rarely equals real life persona.

Yeah, I'm not sure what Mr. D'Angelo means by that, especially since he points out how chilling that ending is.

I've always wanted to make a movie composed entirely of annoying movie clichés.

Oh god, that scene is so hard to watch.

Well, this very site included it among the best tv of that year.


If he meant, "one of the 200 best movies of this decade so far", I agree.

A lot of folks said There Will Be Blood marked a change of direction for him, which continued with The Master. So you should definitely check out some of his earlier films (especially Boogie Nights and Magnolia), because they are in a different style from the two you've seen.

What I read was slightly different. PTA screened it for him, and though he had objections, Cruise respected PTA's right as an artist to make the film he wanted.

The thing is, the way they did the sound, I'm not sure I ever would have thought it sounded like it said his name, if Hurley hadn't suggested it. To me it was a total non-issue.

When does Desmond comment on the shots/what does he say?

I'm still curious about the exact moment where the series broke your heart. Was it the sixth season as a whole, just the flash sideways, or just the last episode? If it was mainly the last episode, what about it sucked for you? And how would you have done things differently?