
I know what you mean, and I did list that as a negative, but this particular instance didn't bother me as much as other moments where it's illogical for two characters to not say something. As Myles suggests, it was kind of justified in this case.

I've been re-watching to keep up with these reviews, and have found it very enjoyable so far. There will be a bunch of things that you forgot about and will be delighted to rediscover.

"the vaccine shots and quarantine were essentially a placebo to keep the operators of the Swan isolated and in-place"

You're forgiven, because you used one of my favourite words, "besmirching".

You'll notice that the comments posted before ours were posted ten HOURS earlier, so I assume the article briefly popped up at that time and then disappeared until its appointed time.


Your first paragraph reminds me of how I feel whenever a stand-up show includes anything that isn't stand-up: it almost always sucks. I didn't tune in to see boring verité footage of the comedian travelling to the venue or some shitty vanity short film (see Kevin Hart for the latter).

"Comedy is subjective."

Maybe that's the problem - I only watched the first ten minutes of one of his specials. Maybe I'll give him another shot.

Yeah, I thought of that when I wrote it, but in his case it struck me as different, like maybe he has contempt for everyone, including the audience. That didn't keep me from laughing, though.

His stand-up act seems very polished. Maybe he's not as good in a situation where he has to improvise.

I really enjoyed the Segura special, and not just because I want to bone him. He's very funny when he imitates people (including himself at one point). I got a weird feeling watching him, though, that his inner life is pretty dark.

Thanks for the insight!

Comedians people around here seem to love that I just don't get: Jim Gaffigan (mildly amusing and annoying), Bill Burr (unfunny "politically incorrect" guy), Mike Birbligia (didn't care for his wholesome persona).

I tried watching one of Birbiglia's specials on Netflix (either My Girlfriend's Boyfriend or What I Should Have Said Was Nothing), and his wholesome buddy persona really turned me off. Honest question: what am I missing?


Nah. This was just one of those episodes where I had trouble finding anything to complain about. But one of my silly self-imposed rules is that I have to find at least one low point and one high point for every episode.

They've said themselves that they were indeed spinning their wheels, but it was because they didn't have an endpoint yet, so they had to stretch everything out.

For my response, I'll just use the last three letters of her name: UGH

Ah, ok. Well, I did have in my list of questions, "What is the content and significance of the map?", so it would fall under that. I could include the question mark reveal in my answers. But I would hesitate to include the rest of the contents of the map (when the answers do come up), because when you see it on