
For some reason, when I first read your comment, I read that as "drowning them" and pictured you pushing their head into a bathtub filled with water. Fun!

It's more a job for someone who doesn't have a family. And who knows if she would've wanted that life.

On the other hand, him not having a partner frees him up to fulfill his destiny at the end of the show.

I'm curious how it will play for me when I get to that point again.

I'm sure they would have.

I knew I'd get this type of response from someone, because I've heard the complaints about stuff like King of Queens. I'm coming from a different place. What I see too much of is fat people being paired up with each other on tv and in movies with the assumption that they wouldn't be able to attract anyone else, a

I agree. That was one of the best aspects of that season.

If so, I think they went a little too strong on that, in a way that distanced me from the character.

Ideally, when new characters are introduced, I want to be intrigued. In this case, instead, all I could think was that the show was introducing new characters and gave me no reason to care. It felt artificial.

There wasn't much to hate about the characters themselves. But I know in my case, I found the way they were introduced really awkward, and that soured me on them. Darlton had the same reaction when they saw the footage, which is why they killed them off.

Also, I really liked the character.

I don't hate that season, but the whole sideways thing was such an unfortunate direction for the show to go in. It's a shame, because they had a great on-island ending.

That's pretty much a list of the best episodes, plus The End. The TV Club 10 doesn't focus on the best episodes, but rather the most representative ones. As such, you should've included one of the shitty episodes!

Exactly. I wonder if the creators or the actor meant for him to come off as self-righteous as he does.

This is not a new story for Locke

For most of the first few seasons, I found Jack so annoying that I was almost never on his side in his various confrontations.

Based on your posts here, you're a big fan of the show at least up to this point. The fact that you don't seem to like Todd's apologist stance makes me think that at one point, the show lost (heh) you. When did that happen?

I'm evaluating each episode as if I was watching it for the first time. That moment only becomes annoying when you realize it will never be addressed.

Whoa: I got my first-ever in-article shout-out!

The banning of the A+ is one of the more nonsensical things this site has done. Why do the other letters get pluses but not this one? It's like the reverse of what Nigel says in This Is Spinal Tap - in this case, the volume only goes up to 9, for some reason.