
Looks like I picked the right time to quit watching this show.

I don't hate it as much as most people seem to, but yeah, the way they turned him into a pariah in that episode felt forced.

There have been several other interviewees who were confused by the question too.

I just googled that and got to that person's Lost-related website, but there's nothing there…

There HAD to be a better way to get to point B!

I think you're right about the way one watches the show affecting one's opinion. My first re-watch of season 3 is in my future, so I'm looking forward to seeing what that's like on dvd.

You will have someone on your side when the reviews for season 3 begin, because Mr. McNutt has already said he's planning to defend that first batch of episodes.

…transforms him into a sociopath, which only works if we’ve been given any indication before the previous episode that he was capable of such behavior.

By "when his normal con doesn't work", I hope you're not referring to when his suitcase "accidentally" opens…


Ok, it's time for you guys to admit that no one knows what a "pop culture best friend" is, and change the wording so your subjects actually know what you're talking about.

I agree with your assessment yet am not resistant to the backlash, because I still find it overrated by many.

She's right about Donnie Darko. It's a good movie, but anyone who thinks it's deep needs to age out of their teens.


What is a "Love Rhombus"?

That fucking symbolic moth, though… ugh.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't despise that episode. Aside from the fairly major flaw I point out in my list above, I thought that from moment to moment, it was ok.

I guess calling it an army is goofy, but I found it believable that this would be Jack's response to their run-ins with the Others.

Why did you dislike that?

I actually loved the season premiere.