

I wasn't offended by the movie, or scared off by its taboo subject.

That was my thought process too, now that you mention it.

I think that exemplifies why there will never be a definitive list of mysteries and answers for this show - after a certain point, one person might experience something as a mystery while another will not.

That makes sense.

I guess it's something I never wondered about until we met these characters.

I did read that article, and when talking about making up a bunch of weird stuff, they were only referring to when they first conceived the show. They became a lot more careful after that.

When they first encounter him, Ana Lucia says, "That was Goodwin," and at the time I just assumed he was one of their group who got killed. It wasn't really presented as a mystery, and it wasn't something I wondered about.

Yes, but I'm not really asking these questions, just keeping a tally of the mysteries. For these entries I'm only listing answers that were provided in the episodes being reviewed. The answers you list will show up in my entries for the episodes they appear in.

Oh, good point. The problem with taking these notes while watching a second time is that I risk missing some mysteries and answers, because they're not as striking the second time around.


"It’s also believed that Saladin will not attend Kirk Cameron’s Christmas party."

Wow, after reading the level of discourse in this comments section, thank goodness they forced everyone to register.

Cindy was a flight attendant on 815.

The one time I didn't like the way they did the effect is when it

I'll be posting my usual list of high points next week, but that's definitely one of them.


The last shot gave me goosebumps.

I'm glad you posted this; it will help temper my expectations.

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