
Well, he did do Rose Red, but I've heard that's pretty bad.

I checked in out of curiosity, to see if King could salvage anything from this mess. Turns out it's business as usual, so this was the last episode I'll bother with.

I was very pleasantly surprised by that one. I think it contains some of his best writing, especially the last hour or so.

1. Van Der Werff said on the AV Club that no one would pick up Community for a sixth season.
2. Van Der Werff left the AV Club.
3. Someone picked up Community for a sixth season.

That's a widely held opinion, and it misses the point. Hearing spoilers doesn't spoil an entire film (or tv show or whatever). What it does is rob you of some of the magic of experiencing something for the first time.

I wasn't sure I should include season 2. There are a couple of old-style clunkers in that one (I'm looking at you, "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish" and "Dancin' Homer").

Actually, almost all Simpsons fans agree seasons 2 to 5 are brilliant. It's from that point on that the disagreements start.

After reading your first paragraph, my immediate reaction was, "Whoa, are you me?", down to the trying to cure the boyfriend bit. No exaggeration, I've had to restrain myself from throwing his phone across the room.

My weekly 'high and low' list:


Luc Besson’s surreal sci-fi cult classic

I think he's referring to the way 'f*g' and 'gay' have become non-homosexual-specific insults in the last few years. Except he doesn't seem to understand that that also counts as homophobia.

No matter how many likes you get for this, it will not be enough.

You can hear some of it on Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (even the title comes from a Conet sample).

Thanks, those are good too.

Yeah, the scenes that turned me off of him are all the ones from the first two-thirds of the first season, before he and Walt developed a bond and Michael relaxed a little.

I'm pretty sure it's always been this way, because it's always been an annoyance of mine.

The grade on the main page for these double reviews is never an average, but rather the grade of one of the two episodes.

I wouldn't call her the worst. The show just doesn't give her much of interest to do. By the way, you should stay away from these comments. A lot of people aren't marking their spoilers.

I hated Michael when he was first introduced, so as far as I'm concerned there wasn't much to ruin.