
I was never on board with the Ana Lucia hate.

I've been re-watching the series, and doing this for each episode:

I've been re-watching the series, and doing this for each episode:

Yeah, if anything, Miles is one of the show's top ten characters.

I think at that moment he was too angry to mock; I think it was an unconscious imitation.

No! I only all-capped those words to accentuate them.

Yeah, people looking back tend to conflate the fact that they were crappy characters with the episode they starred in, which itself was the opposite of crappy.

Yeah, I have no problem with people having an opinion that differs from mine, but the way some of those people express their opinion makes it very hard to respect it.

1. Twin Peaks
2. The Sopranos
3. Lost

I love Breaking Bad, but the pilot was not one of its best episodes.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade.

If you ever end up watching it, just pretend the flash-sideways parts don't exist. The on-island stuff in the finale is awesome.

That's the best way to approach the show, if avoiding disappointment is the goal. I actually enjoyed many of the mysterious aspects myself.

I had no problem with Mixology being depressing. No, the problem is that miscalculated scene between Troy and Annie that features bad dialogue, Troy acting out of character (his wise maturity came out of nowhere and was never seen on the show again), and cloyingly saccharine music. The scene failed so completely as

That's what I was gonna say. It's hugely overrated (#1 on the imdb list is completely ridiculous), but it's well crafted and Freeman is great in it. It just lacks too much in originality and depth to be anything more than good entertainment.

I've got your back regarding that "slump" comment. I actually like Reckoning less than you do. Aside from a few great songs, it sounds kinda soupy to me. Not the awesome kind of soup, either.

Only Around the Sun deserves something as harsh as a "thrashing", and even that album has a few gems on it.

This is the correct answer.

his futuristic ska-punk band, Battlestar Galactiska

It obviously is a quality to "worker201". Atheism is only one of four attributes he or she mentioned. Dictators and serial killers could also potentially be smart, attractive, or funny. And yet that does not diminish the value of being smart, attractive, or funny. Just like it doesn't diminish the value of being an