
it's in the Criterion Collection, so its reputation is secure

B (would be B- without that VCR game)
Which doesn't sound that bad, except that every week this season I've been hoping to see something better than a B and am almost always disappointed. I am now actively hoping the show doesn't get renewed.

Reviews from festivals are not encouraging.

This is getting depressing. Episode-wise so far this year, two make me want another season, and six make me think the show is out of gas*.

I gave it a B too, but that's what I've given every episode this season except for two. It's just a coincidence that Todd agrees with me for once.

Ugh, this guy's making it harder and harder to defend him.

If there were no fat men, I would have zero boners. I agree "fat acceptance" is bullshit; it's too mild. I believe in fat love.

*all the likes*

I'm fine with emotion, but I think Community's attempts at it have been hit-and-miss. The worst part is the saccharine music they usually use to cue us that the time to laugh has ended, and now it's time to FEEL.

I think he threw a kettle over a pub once.

Some good jokes, and some forced "emotional" moments (always cued by that touchy feely music).

I give up. Not on the show, but on understanding Todd's evaluation of this season's episodes. For me, aside from Introduction to Teaching and Cooperative Polygraphy, it's been a steady stream of disappointing 'B' episodes. Still better than last season, of course, but by far the weakest Harmon season.

How are there no two states that have the same favourite?

My favourite* thing about the Jerky Boys is that George Michael is a fan of theirs.

In the history of pointless remakes, this takes the cake. Half that movie's appeal derives from its stars; the other half from its director. Without that team, and with these two bozos standing in for Reeves and Swayze, why would anyone watch it?

1. Odelay
2. The Information
3. Mellow Gold
4. Sea Change
5. Midnite Vultures
6. Mutations
7. Guero
8. Modern Guilt

Whoa. You missed out. Mutations is one of my least-favourite Beck albums, but he's put out good stuff since. I recommend you check out The Information.

OMG Heisler HAS to review it. I don't care if he's still working here in 2015 just make him do it.

His biceps were at one point noticeable?

Not enough squid.