

I know. I said "one of".

I don't think it would get nearly as much shit if it wasn't a remake.

Definitely watch it. It would have been more appreciated if not for the baggage of being a remake. If any Coen film is skippable, though, it's Intolerable Cruelty. Tellingly, it's one of the only of their films they co-wrote with someone else.

Yes, Ealing got it right the first time, but the Coen brothers came up with a version of their own flavouring. It's easily their most under-appreciated film. At the very least, it gave us a classic Hanks comedy performance.

I remember a scene of her on a horse carriage with Baldwin that was shot in a weird way, as though she wasn't available for the whole scene.

starring John Ritter

Ha! Ha! He has a girl's name!

David Fincher is cute.

I want to abscond to a chalet.

No, a stroke is when you reply to your own comment.

Yeah, he's better at getting more than just "that was a great time" out of the subjects.

I don't get the oft-repeated complaint that Samberg is "the fifth-best part of the show". I think he's an equal participant. His impression of an oak tree is indelibly imprinted on my brain. I think the only problem is when the show treats him as a lead character instead of an ensemble player.

Rosa catching them would've been too sitcom-predictable.

made her zaniness more palpable to me

We ate sand.

When there was no meat, we ate fowl and when there was no fowl, we ate crawdad and when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand.

I can't bring myself to defend it too hard, but as far as Rusty goes, I had a "yeah she's stereotypical, but then again I know people who have those same mannerisms" reaction.

Did you ever actually watch it? The actors saved it for me. Rusty has some stereotypical aspects, but Hoffman makes her a real person.

Jeez, your PARENTS had Brothers in Arms? Mine had Beach Boys surf records.