
“Anitina” may be forgotten - in fact, no one noticed it in the first place - but that doesn't make it any less awesome (thinking of the 12-inch extended version especially).

Hey now, no one asked to hear about your MacLachlan fantasies.

I have a great deal of affection for the show, and I enjoy it, but I wouldn't say it's improved since the pilot. To me, it's never deviated much from being a B+ show.

Thanks for the info!

Funny, I was going to post, "Continues to be debated among fans today? I thought everyone agreed it was a beautiful, but terrible film."

Ugh, I HATED him in Twister. The only time that's happened with one of his performances.

HEY, that's totally a quote from that movie!

I can't watch this here, so I'm confused. It's a commercial for a pretend episode of CICGC featuring characters from Seinfeld??

Thanks for the reply. The only reason I never tried this show is that I didn't want to have another tv commitment!

I've never seen this show, but am curious to check out this episode. Is it worth watching it without knowing anything about the characters or their ongoing plots?

These are my choices for worst Community episodes, and the grades I gave them:

I enjoyed this episode just fine, but man, we are just not watching the same show, Alasdair.

Everything this season was superior to the Fincher episode, in my opinion!

Re-watched it, and am changing my grade to a B. I laughed more this time. Annie-Hickey plot didn't do much for me, but the other two plots were good.

I wish it was just this episode. I have high hopes for this season, and so far it hasn't quite met them. Two of this season's episodes got onto my list of top 20 Community episodes, but two others got onto my bottom 20 (this is one of them; it's at number 9).

All I did was sniff his butt!

That, I did like.

Mabe that was the wrong word. Their dialogue felt a bit lazy.

I'm sorry I disappointed you. I like greyhounds.

Wow, cordial disagreement on the internet. It's like seeing a spotted owl.