
Watch Paranormal Parentage, Herstory of Dance, and Basic Human Anatomy and call it a day.

That was brilliant. Donald Glover elevated every line he was given. I'll miss him a lot this season.

That can be cured by changing your dns number…

This movie introduced me to The Beta Band's The 3 EPs.

I look forward to this guy piping up again to accuse people of downvoting him because they disagree, when in fact we're doing it because he expressed his opinion in an asshole way.

I was more surprised it wasn't on the 'worst' list.

Like some big, hairy beast, BackFromTheGulag was just sitting in the corner of this thread, waiting for you to post that exact comment.

The first half is rougher going. Once you hit "Smashed", though, it's all good.

Pillows & Blankets doesn't even make my top ten of season 3, never mind of the whole series. Yes, they replicated the Ken Burns style nicely. But they focused on that so much that there isn't much else to recommend about the episode. (I did love the reconciliation at the end with the magic hats.) Documentary Redux had

I didn't care much for the arc, but that line was hilarious.

That was awesome, Will. It must've made your day when he exclaimed, "You are a son of a bitch"

Sounds hilarious.

I hope the time that has passed means you've stopped responding to this guy, who would say none of this to your face given the opportunity. Most of us are behind you, as you can see by the downvotes he's getting. I actually don't have strong feelings either way about the song; I just think it's ridiculous how

I think Tyson made the wrong move. He's alienated two possibly jury members instead of one.

You guys need to fix that first link.

I came here for Coffee and Cigarettes and am leaving empty-handed.

Right there with you.

But… but… then he wouldn't be first…

Yeah, at first I thought, "Hey, this isn't so complicated!" and then BLAP!

I love the movie, but I don't love those actors. (I remember being disappointed that the electrified fence didn't actually kill the boy.) The scene where they're eating is the only one where they seemed genuine to me.