
Do watch it; it's worth it. It's easliy David Lynch's least penetrable movie, though, and to me, his second-least satisfying (Dune being number one, of course). It didn't really have a strong hold on me, but it never completely lost me. Just when my interest would threaten to lag, Lynch would create another indelible

Goblet is my third least favourite. The focus on cgi-heavy spectacle results in a somewhat impersonal tone, and the overactive score from the first two films returns.

The Kitten Whisperer.

I have no problem believing James Gandolfini could be seductive. He always was, as far as I'm concerned.
Sigh. I originally wrote that in the present tense and then had to go correct it.

1. The Office UK (entire run)
2. Arrested Development 1
3. The Office US 3
4. The Simpsons 4
5. Parks and Recreation 3
6. Arrested Development 2
7. Futurama 1
8. Friends 2
9. The Office US 2

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Ugh, that would've been terrible. We would've missed out on two excellent seasons.

Actually, the main reason the show sucks is because they're envisioning it as lasting more than one season. The story would have been much better served - and retained its sense of urgency - by being made as a five-hour miniseries.

I think variety and accessibility should be prioritized. In no particular order:

When is a door not a door?

Someone says this every week… and they're always right. These grades for what the writer himself called the best season of the show make zero sense.

that apparently frustrated Haneke, who had wanted to challenge an American audience most of all

Couldn't agree more. The lowest grade any season 2 episode deserves is a B+, but the bulk of them are either A or A-.

Frost demonstrating a heretofore unseen talent for intimidation

"Maybe you are all homosexuals!"

In my case, the guy I was interested in wasn't engaged, just dating someone else. But the someone else is such a head case that I knew it was doomed. So I patiently waited for that to end. When it did, I made my move.
We've been together five years so far.

the romantic movies my friends identified with or aspired to emulate—Say Anything, Pretty In Pink, etc.—were as remote and unrelated to me as if they were set in a different galaxy

This guy's an idiot. The song doesn't romanticize sadness. The whole point was to send a very direct, unambiguous message of support to try to give hope to people who are depressed. And the video is brilliant.

Hurwitz has said they thought of showing it, but figured it would be funnier to cut just as he was about to do it. He was right.

"A code word for the song, “Flappy,” was predetermined before the interview."

I've only seen episodes of Scrubs here and there, but when I heard all the praise this one was getting I checked it out. I thought it was good, but here's a word of advice if you ever recommend it to people who don't watch the show regularly: tell them to watch the other Brendan Fraser episode first. I had no idea who