
I didn't get into it either, but not for that reason. For me, it was all the cheesy horror clichés. I was reminded of some Nightmare on Elm Street sequels.

It's not the label that stopped the release of the original Extraordinary Machine; it's Fiona herself. It didn't sound right to her.

the superior, Brion-produced version of Extraordinary Machine

A lot of the focus was on Brandon's unstability, but I think Phillip deserves some of the blame. For someone who's always braying about respecting your elders, he reacted immaturely to Brandon. Also, Brandon was onto something when he said Phillip is always talking about himself.

The Information is SO underrated… for me it's right up there with Odelay.

The way last week's episode treated Annie was one of the worst parts of it. She regressed to her little-girl "I wish I could marry Jeff! Squee!" mode.

That's not where the pee comes from, you know.

That's not a fair request. I mean, you don't want anyone asking you to be less of an asshole, right?

Your salad had a window? I don't understand.

Your salad had a window? I don't understand.

"Serkis seems like the kind of guy who's developed a number of kinks over time."

"Serkis seems like the kind of guy who's developed a number of kinks over time."



This is five months after the fact, but I had to respond to make sure you knew she didn't compromise on her last album either; quite the opposite. She didn't like the Brion version, so she had it redone in a way that pleased her better. Of course your opinion is just as valid as hers. I happen to agree with hers,

This is five months after the fact, but I had to respond to make sure you knew she didn't compromise on her last album either; quite the opposite. She didn't like the Brion version, so she had it redone in a way that pleased her better. Of course your opinion is just as valid as hers. I happen to agree with hers,

I don't know where he's been, but it would be nice if he went back there and stayed. That shtick just isn't funny anymore, especially when you take into account his retarded anti-animated and anti-liberal opinions.

I don't know where he's been, but it would be nice if he went back there and stayed. That shtick just isn't funny anymore, especially when you take into account his retarded anti-animated and anti-liberal opinions.

The decision to shoot in b&w might indeed have been a practical one, but once that decision was made, Hitchcock made great use of its advantages. That wasn't an afterthought. It's clear from watching the film that he was as committed to it as he was to his other films made during that period.

The decision to shoot in b&w might indeed have been a practical one, but once that decision was made, Hitchcock made great use of its advantages. That wasn't an afterthought. It's clear from watching the film that he was as committed to it as he was to his other films made during that period.