
Of course, it would only happen to Skupin.

Of course, it would only happen to Skupin.

Some people seem to think "Voices Carry" is prototypical 80s, but it never got old to me. I still find it emotionally affecting, and her vocals are awesome.

Some people seem to think "Voices Carry" is prototypical 80s, but it never got old to me. I still find it emotionally affecting, and her vocals are awesome.

Whoa, I'm kind of shocked two people on here agree with me about that. For a long movie about human suffering, it's surprising how re-watchable it is. I've seen it a dozen times and never tire of it.

Whoa, I'm kind of shocked two people on here agree with me about that. For a long movie about human suffering, it's surprising how re-watchable it is. I've seen it a dozen times and never tire of it.

I want my nickname to be Pigmeat…
*kicks stone sullenly*

I want my nickname to be Pigmeat…
*kicks stone sullenly*

"there’s a Starbucks where I sometimes work in the mornings"

"there’s a Starbucks where I sometimes work in the mornings"

I liked Secrets & Lies well enough, but the climactic scene is kind of contrived, and the ending strains credibility. It's the first movie I think of when the subject of distracting "they said the title of the movie" scenes comes up.

I liked Secrets & Lies well enough, but the climactic scene is kind of contrived, and the ending strains credibility. It's the first movie I think of when the subject of distracting "they said the title of the movie" scenes comes up.

And before the 80s!

If you want to feel better about your list, just check out a few above you in the comments - some of them are almost exclusively post-1980 movies. I expected better from this crowd…

It gets a few things right (namely, the music, cinematography, and Morgan Freeman's performance). And it's entertaining. But it's such an average film that I'm baffled how highly it rates on the imdb list. Here's part of a review I wrote that explains my point of view:
Compelling, at times moving drama at first vividly

It gets a few things right (namely, the music, cinematography, and Morgan Freeman's performance). And it's entertaining. But it's such an average film that I'm baffled how highly it rates on the imdb list. Here's part of a review I wrote that explains my point of view:
Compelling, at times moving drama at first vividly

I don't think the AFI list gets much respect, nor does it deserve any. Star Wars at number 13? The fact that Rocky, Tootsie, and fucking Forrest Gump and Shawshank are on the list at all?

I don't think the AFI list gets much respect, nor does it deserve any. Star Wars at number 13? The fact that Rocky, Tootsie, and fucking Forrest Gump and Shawshank are on the list at all?

Then you're missing out on the source of all the other quotes!

Then you're missing out on the source of all the other quotes!