this is why I would NEVER go to a male gyno.
this is why I would NEVER go to a male gyno.
There were actually two episodes. The first was Squeeze - early season one. The second was Tooms - late season one or early season two. Both good but Squeeze was probably better. Plus it features Scully's beautiful bathroom that I want.
Into each generation, A SLAYER IS BORN: One girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the STRENGTH AND SKILL...
You have no idea how much this has entertained me.
Right. And I have no intention of striking up a campaign against ohhappyday or posting a rant on facebook or making an issue out of it. But I assumed the link was posted here to invite a conversation, so when I was surprised that I didn't just love them (I love kids in costumes normally) I thought that was relevant.
I'm torn. They're hella cute, but given that kids that small would have no idea who these people are it's getting into that squicky treating your children like accessories territory. If it was posted just as cute thing to make you smile I would like it more, I think; the explicit Halloween mention makes it seem like…
This would be funny, except it's too real to be funny.
SERIOUSLY. What, are you going to pressure me into letting you grope me for blindness? Let you call me a "cunt" for tourette's? HA HA, yes, please, pressure me into letting you be oppressive to me in a way that's vaguely related to some charity.
Yeah, same. I would have drunk Draino before I presented myself in any kind of model-y/pedobait-y way. But I'm sure even girls like us could have gotten caught up in the same kind of trap, even if the details would have been different.
I was telling my mother (70) and sister (41) about a friend of mine whose 13 year old daughter got caught up in a boyfriend/naked pictures disaster. Both of them were VERY condemning...tut-tutting about "where are the parents?" and all "what kind of girl DOES that?". I was utterly flabbergasted. I asked them, "Can…
All credit to Allie Conti at the Miami New Times.
Our whole movement is about girl power, so if you’re black, white or Asian you can twerk.
I actually found Merida a huge disappointment. The story was weak, she just came off as kind of a brat instead of a strong girl, and her relationship with her mother was stereotypical and basic. Sure, she shot archery and rode around on horses and didn't want to get married. But just because she's a female character…
She has returned from the land of the brown people to bring enlightened gems of their simple uncomplicated wisdom. How refreshing.
I have a wife and two kids and a decent but not great income. After taxes, mortgage (a modest one), bills, gas, and more taxes the 40% you talk about is a pipe dream. If I was single and lived with understanding parents and/or had a high paying job maybe it would be a different story. Most of America is struggling,…
I hate to be the devil's advocate here but perhaps the heckler was Fiona Apple's doctor.