Why isn't he in jail?
Why isn't he in jail?
Yes! This! People try to pass off P&P Darcy as a guy who treats Elizabeth like shit and then magically turns into a good guy through the sheer power of her love. P&P Darcy is not a sociopath (Heathcliff/Wuthering Heights) and he's not a stalker (Edward/Twilight) and he's not emotionally or physically abusive…
I can tell you one thing. Giving money to god will not help your finances. Unless that god is Offler the crocodile god (terrible Discworld reference).
oh jezzie.
Please tell us more about how "inappropriate" it is to make Malala Yousafzai into a role model while also discoursing on how awesome it is to watch Honey Boo Boo: http://jezebel.com/now-i-have-to-… you goddamn psycho
#1 rule of Jezebel: Any successful woman (especially one who overcame the actual horrific oppression that is living as a woman under Islam) falsifies the notion that the world makes it impossible for women to have happy lives, therefore they must be ANNIHILATED.
Agreed, though I think this goes way beyond Harvard. I find the Western media's hyperfocus on Yousafzi kind of self-congratulatory and lazy—"let's focus on this ONE AMAZING CHILD out of the millions that need help, oh and the reason her home is such a shithole is largely because of power games we've been playing for…
It's cool that they've perfected time-travel technology enough to let you travel to us all the way from the 90s.
I wish I could love this a thousand times. LOVE!
...Because no one has ever remarked that a white person has a gorgeous, interesting face.
Condescension is so played out.
Fortunately, our choices don't have to be bad or worse.
Of course he is pro-choice. I think that men who buy into the Hefner playboy ideal are pro-choice because it suits them as much as it is good for women. How else are they supposed to get a lot of women to have causal sex with them?
I like what this lady is doing, but I can't deal with the homebirth agenda on her website. I don't know if the descriptions of the folks in her gallery are done by her or by them, but they all say things like "After two previous intervention-filled hospital birth, Mindy had Kaylen at home in a tub, peacefully." 1. I…
Oh sweet lord of spaghetti, not only do I think you're right, but that means the assholes at Precious Moments RE-USED their model of a crying fireman when 9/11 happened. They were all like, "let's just save some money and put something different in his hands." Terrorism = Crying Fireman to the karing kristians at…
maybe it's just sleeping... please god just let it be sleeping... BREATHE BABY BREATHE