Age: It was ageless, man.
Age: It was ageless, man.
FYI, the school board is made up of Black men. Because of generations of brainwashing, some Black people seem to believe that the way to demonstrate uprightness is to "unBlack" oneself as much as possible. That seems to be the way these idiots think.
Your hair looks like it was raped by a quinceañera. Dying.
Pretty sure this makes 3 positive people in porn -…
And am I the only one who is seriously annoyed/offended by the fact that the #1 pro-porn group is called the Free Speech Coalition? I mean, seriously? Free speech should, I don't know, sort of be a non-factor when women are…
This is just RIPE for another Indiana Jones.
Not sure why people feel "sorry" for her boys. Males raised in that kind of skewed, unbalanced environment have the world at their feet. Zero accountability, absolute entitlement and free reign to be total assholes. Girls who even THINK of behaving similarly are shamed back into their place. (Yet, strangely, those…
But now people are being murdered!
Wow, they're really jumping all over this - undercover officers on all the city buses?
I concur that looking like the right "kind" of woman does matter after a certain age, but I'm not sure if it's upper middle class.
I think this is kind of sweet.
Yup. If "all women are different", then why marginalize women who actually like the softer, more female-POV-focused stuff you so casually dismiss? Maybe because you directly profit from peddling the more degrading male-centric stuff, hmm?
I can't wait for his and Robin Thicke's Guide to Feminism to come out in paperback. Call me when the majority of porn directors aren't dudes. Kthanksbai.
I just realized that I typed a whole two sentences in words that would have zero meaning for my mother when she was my age.
Thin shaming isn't cool, but in the end, in our society, it's still better to be thin.
I'm dead serious.
Patsy and Edina-AbFab
With all due respect, you should.
Congratulations on starting the most entertaining and respectful discussion thread ever.