
It happened one time. We were drunk and enthusiastic, my legs were all the way up as I was on my back, things were lubed up, his peen jabbed forward and slid down and popped briefly in. The moment it happened my instinct was to put my feet on his chest and kick, which launched a 250 lb man off the bed.

This, it is so fucking painful when it is a real accident.

As a white gay man, one of my favourites is being called "uppity" for talking about queer issues. Because it's just silly ol' me, afraid for my life and the lives of those in the queer community. Soooo damn uppity.

I love Samantha Bee :-) She highlighted two really important problems we face:

First of all, ALL women don't date assholes. That's a fucking lie. And let's not pretend men don't show bad judgement in who they choose as partners.

Or maybe men should just stop being fucking assholes, but clearly that's too much to ask.

I'll take several t-shirts in every color you got.

A galaxy of stars for this post. Some people don't show who they are when you first meet them. After a period of time, they then reveal they true nature. This may be that they are an asshole. Relationships are incredibly hard to leave, and the person may hold out hope that the asshole will revert to the decent person

I love that cover.

so,i shouldn't feel like a coward when i ignore disrespectful men? sometimes,i wish that i was a 5ft 9 amazon so that i can say what i really wanna say and be able to whup some ass when a prick gets outta line.

EXCELLENT point. It's not anger motherfucker, it's righteous indignation!

Please don't feed trolls. :/ They are scary and they type a lot.

A reminder not to feed the trolls. They are scary.

PREACH. It's analogous to an in vino veritas situation; the craziness will manifest in some specific way dependent on a given time and place (no one thinks they're Napoleon anymore, for example). The enraged sense of entitlement to women's time, attention and bodies exists outside this mentally ill person and is a

Well said and, sadly, very true.

Any person other than a white man, constantly has to apologize for not being ok with the shitty shit (white) men do. Men fuck up constantly, left and right, and that in no way EVER reflects badly upon their own gender. One (black) woman fucks up, and all (black) women are obviously inferior and inherently flawed. But,

Hear fucking hear.

The way society sees it, when white men get angry, they're assertive and passionate. When women get angry, they're hysterical and overreacting. When black people get angry, they're scary and hostile.

I know. And someone's going to jump in here about how statistically unlikely this is to happen to us by whatever random guy is harassing us on the street, and I'm like WE DON'T FUCKING KNOW. Then it's like, if we get raped or hurt or killed, we are blamed for being alone on that street, or putting ourselves in a

Apropos of this, I love this quote: "When a man says no in this culture, it's the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it's the beginning of a negotiation." – Gavin De Becker