
I think a lot of people of both sexes go through the thinking everyone of the opposite sex is an asshole and not to be trusted romantically phase but I don't think that's the same as the issues "nice guys" have. A lot of people who've been hurt by another person who they were romantically involved with, who they feel

Was it a marker of progress for Karl Lagerfeld to use feminism as the aesthetic theme of the Chanel SS15 fashion show, despite his horrendous politics? I'm not saying that Aziz is necessarily being disingenuous, just that it initially struck me as such.

Good job at learning to feminism but fail at comparing your current girlfriend to "salad" and past girlfriend to "skittles" as if that's the only reason feminism is worth it.

Ian, I hear what you're saying, and I certainly agree that being disappointed in people not valuing you for your good qualities if you don't fit the standard physical ideal is not a gendered phenomenon. I would, however, note that one of the phenomena you correctly pointed to—the misogynistic and entitled

it doesn't thrill me to hear people (aziz, t swift, Emma Watson) saying things like "feminism is JUST equal rights!" It seems to minimize the history of the oppression of women. The truth is that feminism calls for a lot of changes, and men are going to have to give up a lot of the power that they've become accustomed

I guess it just rubs me the wrong way when I hear it only applied to men.

I think younger guys tend to have a totally warped idea of how female attraction works. They've drunk the proverbial Kool-aid, buying into some media-created versions of women who will date you no matter how fat/awkward/slobby/underemployed you are, as long as you're, you know, a "nice guy".

Dude, if we live in a world where it is advantageous for a straight guy comedian to claim the label feminism—I don't care what the hell is motives are. That is a marker of progress.

But, honestly, in a world where Tosh.0 still has a show and comedy continues to be a male-dominated and sexist place, I think this is a

Who cares. Whenever a male comedian that seems to have a male audience starts talking about feminism, I think it's great. It allows young boys to see that feminism is not something to shy away from and that these really cool, really funny dudes are into it.

No one has "made him" anything. Every comedian grows and changes and their comedy changes with them. Deal with it.

He also has some slut-shamey stuff in his earlier material—hope he's maturing and becoming an actual nice guy (of the non-TM variety).

In defense of Aziz's performance in Brooklyn (though I didn't see it): Aziz is notorious for "testing" his new bits in front a smaller audience to polish his act until it's ready for larger crowds. A surprise stand up set sounds like something he set up to test new material. Maybe that whole street harassment bit

I know for a fact he literally has a stand up bit about how he's a "nice guy" and doesn't get any play at bars, and women go for jerks, yada yada yada. I'm happy to know he's maturing.

I don't buy this! I am sure Courtney McBroom is a wonderful feminist and a strong woman who's had a great influence on Aziz Ansari. But I don't buy that he's been working with Amy Poehler for years and is only now a feminist!

Marginally related:

I know that this is super cynical, but I have a theory about Aziz: His old material was pretty problematic from a feminist standpoint, but after a few years on Parks & Rec he's recognizing his audience, donning the smart guy glasses and his new material is all about the liberal pandering.

I think it's actually pretty fucking gross that there's sites saying that he could have a hotter girlfriend. I'm glad Aziz doesn't give a shit about that and actually cares about Courtney McBroom and what she has to say about women's rights. Good to see my boy Aziz growing up!

because if we can't make fun of women, comedy ceases to exist?

I saw him last year, and he did a bit about dick pics. Asks the women in the audience if they've ever gotten a dick pic. 100% applause from women. Asks how many were wanted. Maybe 2 women applause. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MEN?!?!"

Bullshit. I saw him a few months ago and his act was hysterical. Yes, a bit more serious than before, but funny as hell.