
Except nobody called it rape. Lawrence said it was a sex crime. Rape is a sex crime but not the only one. Someone hacked her phone to view her naked body without her consent and then distributed it. How is that not a serious violation?

Looking is one victimization — telling her is a second, in my eyes. It's not bad enough you looked — you have to let her KNOW you looked.

Wait wait wait, like, what would be MUCH funnier is if random women ran up to random men on the street and squeezed their balls, y'know, for cancer awareness.... What? You mean those Breast Motorbroating Douchebros and their Cancer Charity Youtube Channel DON'T have a Ladies Auxiliary division? *tch* Surprise.

Love her, love her statement. But I'm kind of bummed about her comment, "Either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at you." It gives me a weird shady blamey vibe about how if your boyfriend looks at porn it's your fault because why didn't you send him naked pictures??? Also, the idea that

In what world does Hugh Jackman and the hot judge from Top Model hang out? You learn about random as hell celebrity friendships during these challenges for sure.

i thought the same thing.

ClassicMoviesFan knew they were missing the main point. ClassicMoviesFan clearly agrees with the main point. ClassicMoviesFan was clearly, as they stated, taking issue with a small part of the whole statement which is why they said 'nitpick'. It's ok for us to agree with the main point or most of what JLaw said but

I hope this sets a precedent for other actresses whose nude photos have been leaked. Never apologize for it. You did nothing wrong. You have a right to take nude photos and the assholes who hack into your phones and computers do NOT. Shame the criminals, not the victims.

Either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at you.

PEOPLE. The cover does not "conflict with her statements". In fact, it makes a pretty bold statement of "this is how I am CHOOSING to present myself on a cover; what those fuckwads did is the opposite". It probably feels like a reclaiming in some sense.

I'm already irritated at how people are ignoring the issue of consent in order to covertly slut-shame Jennifer Lawrence...again. Blaming it on Vanity Fair just makes it even more disingenuous — she clearly consented to and approved of the cover.

"...and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at porn and you."

Even people who I know and love say, 'Oh, yeah, I looked at the pictures.' I don't want to get mad, but at the same time I'm thinking, I didn't tell you that you could look at my naked body."

Great statement and I'm glad she decided not to apologize or say anything other than what she said here.

People she knew and loved not only looked, but told her they looked, like it's totally nbd? That might be the most appalling thing about this whole fucking story. I literally cannot imagine having someone who loved me be complicit in that kind of violation that was done to me. It's utterly horrifying to think that

everything about this is perfect. everything about JLaw is perfect.

"In the piece, Lawrence said she considered releasing a statement, some sort of apology, when she found out about the photos getting out, but realized "I don't have anything to say I'm sorry for. I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years. It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to

She continues to be a self-possessed goddess, in my opinion. Her criticisms are right on target. What is the legality of someplace like Reddit hosting photos they know are stolen?

"You should cower with shame."

"It's my body and it should be my choice."