I'm really not surprised that these women were considered "observant" Muslim women by society as a whole. Just like what you wear does not act like a beacon for rapists. Just like it doesn't matter what I wear, I get catcalled on the way to work everyday, simply because I have a vagina.
How thoroughly fucked does your social/religious worldview have to be to just randomly fucking disfigure women - people - on the street? How thoroughly filled with hate must your heart be? It's not to say that crimes against people you know are any better, but at least I can understand there might be some motivating…
I shudder when I remember being an unenlightened high school senior and blaming the entire debacle on her. She was vilified by the media and I'm embarrassed that I didn't know enough not to buy the age-old story of "temptress" and "male weakness". Good for her, indeed, that she can finally take back her narrative.
Can we please take Bill Clinton to task for initiating this chain of events? He did an extremely scumbaggish thing, and the only people who seem to care about it are the scumbag politicians who just tried to score political points over the ordeal.
To answer your question, he could have absolutely benefited from not being a woman. That was my point. In spite of all his accomplishments, I don't find him funny at all.
Really? Isn't it just another form of the general damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't nature of patriarchy that seeks to afflict constant abuse and judgement against it's target in defiance of logic and consistency so the target will eventually accept that abuse and judgement are just part of life? Crazy is totally…
You're right. I should have said that he was rewarded for not having a vagina. I do however, reserve the right to think that he is not funny.
E.L. James doesn't know shit about anything really. She really thinks it's possible for a 22 year old college grad to never have an e-mail or a laptop. In the 21st century. She also knows nothing about American geography or vernacular. I don't know a single person who uses the phrase "holy cow!" anymore, especially…
He's really oversimplfying an issue that is actually quite simple.
Yeah, I was historically kind of "meh" about her. (Still think Affleck is a douche and don't get that relationship.) But lately with her "so what, my stomach isn't concave—I fucking gave birth three times" and now this... consider me on board, Jen!
Renee, you keep doing you. You do look happy. Almost unrecognizable, but confident in yourself. Whatever it took, I'm glad you're in that space.
Matthew, please stop doing you if this is the kind of bullshit you want to put out there. Claiming that bigoted branding gives you "oomph" makes you sound more clueless and…
For years I've been very meh towards Jennifer Garner, but is it me or has she been just fucking killing it lately?
Dear Mr. McConaughey: There have been people trying to get the previously-DC-now-Maryland football team to change their name since the early '70s. Don't fall into the fallacy that some folks try to push (usually the same assholes who complain about SJWs in GamerGate) that it's a new complaint, or that it was never a…
Twisty kills because he gets angry when people are afraid of him. All he wants is to entertain people. He doesn't kill Dandy or the mom because neither of them are afraid of him. And then he hurt Dandy because he had a moment of self-doubt, like 'Ach, I could never make you laugh.' And he got mad when the kids didn't…
I don't feel sorry for either one of them. She should have taken responsibility for her wrongdoing and she should have shown the cops her ID instead of overreacting and pulling the "I'm a celebrity" card and calling her daddy (as if he had any power in this situation whatsoever). I felt even less sorry for her when…
You know this is absolute torture for men if this concept becomes widely known. Men the world over will be in a mad scramble to find the proper "long-lasting cock cologne".