
One thing I'll give Christopher Hitchens credit for is he came down hard on Bill Clinton, even called him a rapist. It always stuck out to me because he (like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris) could be really selective about women's issues. Sometimes, they make feminist points (usually to lambast religion) and sometimes

Bill is charismatic and a perfect example that good looking white men with charisma can do absolutely terrible things and get away with it.

Male entitlement manifests itself in so many different ways. Religion just helps to amplify it, making it patriarchy on steroids.

I guess I interpreted the tweet wrong. I didn't think O'Brien was insulting Albright's looks. He didn't say he's going as 'sexy Madeleine Albright' but 'slutty Madeleine Albright'. I thought he was doing the comedy trick of taking a distinguished and respected person then putting their image in a seemingly

I don't think so. I think the dream boy you're referring to is Stefan which happened in several episodes and definitely wasn't a dream. In real life within the show, Urkel had a special machine that turned him into these different characters and then changed him back.

Now that I think about it, you're totally right. Twisty is a lot more nuanced than I'm giving him credit for. This explains his actions well and it makes him more interesting and three-dimensional just like you suggested. I haven't been paying as close attention to Twisty's scenes as the Freaks scenes (too distracted

remember when he was a black version of Bruce Lee? I was too young to get the reference at the time. Then later I watched some Bruce Lee movies and suddenly it all made sense. Anyway, Urkel Bruce Lee can take care of those bullies for you!

I know, right! Mike sounds like an insecure, macho moron. It was so disrespectful to seriously say that to the president who wasn't even doing anything. I could see if he meant it jokingly but he sounded dead serious. What's wrong with this guy?

The words 'gay for pay' come to mind

And not just any leader of the free world—Bill Clinton. He is dangerously teetering towards looking truly elderly, like my Grandpa, and I'd still hit that if he turned on the charm. He was known for it!

I've even heard idiotic guys justify the affair by demonizing Hilary Clinton for not being at home, doing her wifely duties. How dare she travel around the world, trying to empower women. Doesn't she know the most important thing is to keep a man sexually satisfied?

Monica Lewinsky and Hillary Clinton get more judgement than Bill does for the affair! That's patriarchy for you. Only men are allowed to make mistakes. Women are held to a much higher moral standard than men.

I wanted to be her when I was a little girl and from my understanding, Bill initially didn't want Rashad to be as gutsy, smart and professional as she was on the show, Rashad pushed for all of that. I loved her character so much.

Well, when your self esteem is based on feeling better than a certain group then of course you lose your mind when someone of that minority group challenges your false sense of superiority.

That's an incredibly good point. I remember learning about this in anthropology class, how women tend to lean on each other when it comes to childcare, either depending on blood-related extended family or surrogate extended family. It causes you to develop friendships and community (sometimes church-related, sometimes

The statement is still odd to me. But it makes more sense now that I know she's a porn star. I think my suspicions are correct. She's pandering to men because it's business. Fair enough. I don't fault her for it. It's like how strippers pretend to really be interested in a guy or a bartender is extra friendly in order

You misinterpreted my statement. I would have liked Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama in ADDITION to the presidents we already had. John Adams is the only one I suggested should have been replaced by his wife.

There are still societal reasons that keep women from approaching. Also, there are guys who are really weird and insecure about women approaching them and ruin it for guys who don't have a problem with it. I'm a woman and I never got approached. I had to learn, as many socially awkward and/or average-looking women do,

That's a great attitude to have. If a guy is uneasy with or intimidated by a woman being the pursuer then he's not the one for you anyway.

I don't know that she necessarily is saying it tasted delicious, like if someone served it to her for breakfast the next morning that she would delight in eating it. I took it to mean that it was a really great night and however dude's dick tasted, she wanted to remember the night.