
I wonder the same thing. Despite how plain-looking guys are always portrayed in the media as likeable underdogs, I've heard the most judgement of a woman's looks come from ugly dudes, especially nerdy ones who are supposed to be so enlightened and empathetic. It reminds me how I also notice that it's always the

Duly noted. I took mental notes of what you said. Thanks for taking the time to explain. This is good to know for future endeavors

Another quote from back in the 60's, and damn if I can remember who said it (I think a British actor), as he climbed into bed with an actress to film a sexy scene: "Madam, I apologize for anything that does or doesn't happen."

Holy crap. As the girl, you can contribute something during missionary besides kissing him and/or grabbing his butt? I understand cowgirl but missionary? How do I learn of these magical secrets?

And it must be with incredible enthusiasm like the guy in the video

I'm tired of the most privileged people acting like the biggest victims. They don't know the meaning of the word 'victim'

We need a guy who thinks there's nothing wrong with saying the gender disparity in atheism is due to women being biologically more "nuturing" and uncomfortable with conflict, instead of say, sexist pricks being the most prominent atheists we have right now? Also, his thinking racial profiling is cool and if you

It's unbelievable. Feminist and atheist groups have both had diversity challenges but feminists seemed more willing to tackle the problem than atheists. Also, isn't it ironic that atheists worship Harris and Dawkins and Hitchens as these infallible beings then criticize religious people for never questioning or seeing

Yeah, intellectuals like that are so irresponsible and hypocritical. Their lack of self-awareness baffles me. I'm not going to excuse ignorant things promoted by religion. But to act like the only problem is religion without looking within yourself (and at patriarchal culture/society) is foolish. It allows liberal

I just want to get this off my chest. Today, I discovered that one of my intellectual heroes (in a long line of heroes, specifically male ones) was kinda sexist. It's so disappointing to know someone you admire didn't think much of your gender/race/sexual orientation (which unfortunately happens a lot) . I was

TLC is an exception. They sang and rapped about being sexually responsible and sexually liberated. And I love the "Red Light Special" is one of the rare songs where a woman tells a man to go down on her.

Also, we have money too and the ability to influence loved ones in our life (men, specifically) spend money and see the movie with us.

That's a great way of putting it. That's why she was so good as Jane in Pride and Prejudice.

The worse thing is hearing men say you'll wish men objectify you when you're old and unattractive. Um, no I won't because I don't base my self-worth on how many people want to fuck me or how many people find me attractive. And men shouldn't either. If I have a crush on a specific guy then yes, I want that specific guy

I get especially angry at old men because they're old enough to know better. I admire the type of elderly people who do not give a shit whether you like the way they look or not. The point of aging should be about valuing things other than your looks, embracing your life experience and developing emotionally and

I've said this before in another thread: street harassment is about power. Street harassment and any other kind of sexual harassment, and rape are all born of the same need to dominant another person in one way or another. It isn't about sincere attraction. That's why there is credence to the theory that cat-callers

So many great sad gifs from Lion King because Mufasa was the noblest, greatest dad ever so his death was so damn traumatic. But like Mufasa, Dodai and the rest of the departing Jezebel writers will be with Jezebel peeps in spirit

So beautiful. This helps with the pain.

My gif isn't as mature as yours. To Dodai and everyone leaving, this is me:

I wouldn't go as far to say no man has ever stood by his wife or girlfriend. There are men who forgive a cheating partner or take care of a sick spouse. They aren't all narcissistic, fair-weather partners like Newt Gingrich (thank goodness) My only point is society encourages women to tolerate more crap in a