I'm ashamed at how many times I re-watched this scene (that tight shirt leaves nothing to the imagination):
I'm ashamed at how many times I re-watched this scene (that tight shirt leaves nothing to the imagination):
I don't think he was saying you'll die alone if you don't date him. He was trying to make the idea of casual sex be the most attractive option by saying that marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be. But why is he explaining this to a girl using tinder? I doubt she's looking for a husband with this app. I just don't…
This gif never fails to make me laugh. It is the best expression of my feelings while I was reading the guy's pick-up line or more like pick-up ultimatum. It just leaves me confused. But I guess tinder guy leaving me confused is better than him leaving me feeling angry or insulted. So, points for creativity and for…
They can't follow their dreams because they've got to "Stand By Their Man" as Tammy Wynnet once said. There's a reason why there's no songs about standing by your woman. Men don't have to support women ever but women must ALWAYS support men, right or wrong.
The gif is not aimed at you, BIGJERK. I just can't stand the type of joke Seinfeld is doing in this clip. "Everything men do is to impress women" is such a go-to joke for male comedians because it's viewed as the truest of statements when it's not. That's why I dislike James Brown's song "It's A Man's Man's Man's…
it's from a screen test he did for Rebel Without A Cause.
No one is complaining about someone who says "Have a nice day" or "have a great day" and then moves on with their life. And no one is complaining about someone who tries to strike up a genuine conversation with you (as long as they respect it if you don't want to speak to them) So don't misrepresent their statements…
Yikes. Gross and terrifying! A lesser example I've had earlier this week included one man barking at me like a dog while his friend shouted "I'm gonna cum in your hair!" Because catcalling is so charming.
You're being willfully ignorant. At the time of the abuse, ER was known as Ellen and was a woman. Did you miss this part of the article? (emphasis is mine):
No one gushes over Marlon Brando more than straight guys. Every documentary about Marlon Brando features guys giddily talking about him with such reverence, not just for his talent but for his charisma and looks. I feel like a lot of men saw him as an ideal of what a man should be. I guess he's viewed as a good…
Yeah, he's just this overwhelmed puppy that everyone pushes around. You just want to hug him and comfort him. It's so endearing! And I gotta say it's so refreshing to see a black guy just be a regular, dorky guy rather than a macho, ghetto stereotype. Black people can be cute awkward dorks too. I'm a black girl and I…
So, he was to you what Emma Watson was for a lot of guys.
I agree. Alfred Enoch is adorable.
He's got a whole harem here at jezebel. Am I a bad feminist for being okay with being in this pretend harem?
My favorite man candy right now is Derek Theler. Just google him (especially shirtless) and you'll see what I mean. He's not famous but he's an actor on ABC comedy show, Baby Daddy. He seems to always have his shirt off (and my god, what a body). Plus, even though he plays a dumb jock, his character is also a jock…
Me too! I couldn't even focus on what they were saying because I was like "I could really go for some chicken" I am an advertiser's dream consumer.
He does look like a tool but it's similar to how men can forgive sexy girls being bitchy as they can sleep with them. I don't think any woman is looking at his pictures thinking, "He'd make a really good boyfriend" or "He'd make a good husband" Here, Jonas goes in the "I'd like to hit it and quit it" category
Yay for men from classic Hollywood! We always focus on old iconic bombshells like Marilyn Monroe but forget about the heartthrobs. You can have young Newman (who I like too) and I'll have young Brando. Granted, Newman aged way more gracefully than Brando did. But still... fully clothed or not, even Brando's most…
It's just another example of a person who was raised to be christian but got tired of the repressive nature. So, they respond rebelliously by swinging to the other extreme of either be very openly sexual and/or foul-mouth atheist super lib. (see also: Katy Perry, George Carlin, and many wild and crazy rockers)