
Yes. 'Enabling' is a more accurate word to describe it than 'supporting'. Thanks!

This. This right here.

Yeah, I had the same problem of making things too black and white. It's a common mistake that's made especially when we're young. It's more comforting and easy to talk in absolutes rather than looking at the nuances. Also, the media caters to this idea that good-looking, social people are snobby and mean while ugly or

And because money is the only thing that matters, you don't need to waste your time having compassion or empathy for others. Be a good capitalist by being a selfish asshat who wants success no matter the cost. We're just encouraged to be successful in our professional lives and failures at being a decent human being.

Artists, just like activists and intellectuals, tend to be put on pedestals as being visionaries who think outside the box and are the moral centers of society. Just because someone's talented at something or seemingly intelligent doesn't mean they're perfect people who say and do everything right. I feel like people

To challenge your devil's advocate, Tao Lin isn't really denying her statements even when it comes to using her emails for his work. He's justifying it by saying that he got her permission to use the emails, so he's admitting to using her emails and her painful experiences to create his work. I think it's especially

Wow. So well said. I think you hit the nail on the head.

Why did Marlon Brando self-destruct? What was the cause of his inner demons?

We already knew that Steve Harvey doesn't care about women. Now we know he doesn't care about black people either. All he cares about is himself

It's fiction. Just imagine he lives in a world where STDs have been obliterated or at least that there's quick and easy cures for the STDs considering all the technology they have in their story universe.

I still agree with Bugs Bunny's decision.

Hmm... playing with power dynamics by making a powerful man my consensual sex slave. Yes, please! Sign me up. Usually, if I have these fantasies, the dynamics are reversed and I have the same inclinations as Mindy Kaling below.

And on a lighter (and more shallow) note, have these people seen Harry Shum Jr. or Bruce Lee or actors/singers in Japan and Korea? There are so many attractive East Asian men. How can they discount them?

Fingers crossed that this will be yet another season where Evan Peters shows some skin, especially that lovely booty.

Looks like they're going in the direction I suspected they would go in that similar to X-men, the freak show carnies are like a stand-in for any minority. After all, this is going to be set in the 1950s which is typically associated with conformity, blissful ignorance and repression of anything outside the 'norm'. So,

I think it's a testament to Evan Peters' charm and talent that Tate can still be so likeable despite doing these TERRIBLE things. I hate to be a female stereotype but Tate does appeal to that nurturing side of you. He's got that whole "I'm so sensitive and vulnerable because I'm damaged and I need your love to heal

And isn't he notorious for constantly being tied up by his villains? This caters to any bondage fantasies some ladies (and gay dudes) might have that involves the superhero going against type by being the submissive one who you handcuff to the bed.

DIMPLE ACK arge blah...wheeze....

For an angsty teenage boy he gave me a ridiculously hard lady boner in Murder House. I am not ashamed.

I guess it's different if you know the twins are open to it (which appears to be the case in your stories...I'm sex positive but that's still weird, though. I'm sorry) But I think it's egregious to pressure twins who understandably aren't into it. If you make a proposition and one of the two or both of them reject the