
I also view it as saying "I love women because I like having sex with them" Just because you lust after someone doesn't mean you respect them or view them as a human being. Stop seeing 'i want to have sex with them' as the highest compliment to give women.

Thanks for explaining and satisfying my curiosity.

I can't imagine being able to pretend being attracted to Wiz Khalifa or Lil Wayne or any of these rappers (who seem to be ugly inside and out) No amount of money can keep my ovaries from shriveling at just the sight of them. The only rappers who can get it is Drake and Lupe Fiasco (and possibly Eminem if he didn't

You'd be surprised how many otherwise deviant behaviors appear perfectly rational by the adding the words, "but if she's hot" to the end of the sentence.

Yuck. The lack of empathy is amazing. If these guys had a twin brother, I doubt they would be open minded about threesomes with a woman. And not just because of the gay panic of crossing swords but because come on! Sibling is a sibling-twin or not. How hard is it to understand? Gross. By their logic, it's okay for

Sadly, typing wouldn't work anyway unless it involves the words 'tea and crumpets'-instant lady boner! No, but seriously, hearing a man speak in a British accent is the greatest thing ever. Why is this a weakness for me?! God, I'm such a female stereotype.

please elaborate.

I used to think he was too pretty but the scruff gives him a more manly look that I'm really digging.

Me too. But I would like the threesome to be mmf, not the default ffm

Also, if hearing a British accent doesn't give you a boner then you need Viagra. I'm a lady and a very quick way to get me in the mood is hearing a man with a British accent. Yowza!

I used to have the same problem as you. I already made another post somewhere in this forum, talking about the deeper reasons for it having to do with worrying about white men possibly not being as empathic towards WOC and being more prone to exotifying/objectifying us more. But I realized I shouldn't generalize all

I have a whole harem of male celebrities who I like to picture as my husbands. But obviously it's just fantasy.

I know you weren't saying there was anything wrong with it. I was agreeing with you that he should use something else-sex toys would be ideal. The 'straight guy liking anal play' wasn't directed at you it was just a general statement because I know it's viewed as taboo to some straight dudes

cue evil laughter of every jerk on OKCupid

I feel like either his video games skills or his sexual enjoyment is going to suffer-at least one of the two-if he multitasks like that. Isn't sex better when you give it your full focus even if it's just oral? And I thought guys liked watching girls give them head? How's he going to enjoy the view if he's playing a

I will venture a partial response: I really like to watch guys jerking off. I'm mildly interested in dudes with things up their asses. If this were someone who I actually knew and thought was sexy and the item proposed wasn't fucking pepperoni, I'd take him up on it.

Wow. Talk about a sausage fest.

For the sake of this guy, I hope so. Go easy on yourself, dude. You need to be extra careful when it comes to anal. Then again, this guy has done it before so why should I advise him on anything.

Also, desperation and really, really low standards it would seem.

Squirtle still remains my favorite Pokemon (and not because of the obvious puns people make with his name) Ash's Squirtle in particular was awesome. I liked his personality.