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I couldn't put my finger on what my issue with her was but you stated it perfectly. I felt like I should like her more than I do since she does have talent. I love me some Barbra Streisand, Whitney Houston, Patti LaBelle, Beyonce and other women who can hit those high notes and yet I couldn't bring myself to love

Oh, my god, our standards have gotten so low. Was that their plan all along? It's an OKCupid conspiracy!

I thought the second guy had a nice face then I saw that name and my lady boner was instantly gone. Disappointing... :(

There are sex toys he can use. There's nothing wrong with a straight guy liking anal play but why not use devices that were actually made for that kind of thing.

Talk about damning with faint praise. Have our standards become so low?

Agreed. Don't give men a wide berth when it comes to bad behavior for the sake of 'boys will be boys'. Hold men and women to the same standard.

I hear you. And I agree with much of what you said (even though I'm not familiar with some of these dudes) But I think our vocabulary reveals a lot about society. Even though both men and women can exhibit bratty behavior, why is there a special gender-specific word for women such as 'diva' and not for men? And just

As a lady, let me just say that with clitoral-stimulated orgasms, you need a resting period. If not, it gets really sensitive and potentially painful. I think whether you're a man or woman, it's easy to comprehend that orgasm after orgasm will become painful after awhile.

I might be a pervert but I'm not an asshole. Those actors have a right to their privacy. If they show their junk, it should be on their terms, not mine. You can sexualize people and still respect boundaries.

It's not just about the penis. It's about the man attached to the penis. If Tatum, Bomer, Pettyfer or Manganiello showed the full monty then that would be awesome but alas, I'm sure they won't go that far in pleasing perverted female fans. But a thirsty girl can dream, can't she?

Ms. Magazine seems like the only lady magazine that gave a shit about truly uplifting women and catering to women's actual needs. I don't know much about magazines so feel free to correct me.

I am about your age and have given up on general interest women's magazines.

Some might say you don't have the BALLS to get your balls waxed. Get it? Yeah, I still don't get why 'balls' is a symbol of strength and 'pussies' are a symbol of weakness when vaginas seem to have more endurance than penis and balls do. Eh, well. I'm a woman and I'm still not brave enough to get waxed. I'll stick to

My mom and my grandma used to refer to White Castle burgers as 'murder burgers'

I agree. Stewart does have that David Bowie/Joan Jett/Grace Jones 'I-like-being-androgynous' thing going on. Remember that music video that Jezebel showed where Stewart was playing a boy? She is VERY comfortable embracing her masculine side (in other words, being cocky, emotionless and acting like you own the room).

Why wasn't I as cool, smart and awesome as Lorde when I was 17?

America will get sacked.

I saw comments trying to argue that it wasn't racist and that calling him an ape was about him being a big burly man and had nothing to do with his race.

I actually can't fantasize about ZQ Spock because it seems more disrespectful to stick a gay man in my hetero fantasy, go figure.

Or an all-male panel telling you what it feels like to menstruate or give birth.