
Obviously, there is weird social conditioning going on where some men feel like they can't turn down sex unless they want to be seen as less of a man, but ultimately, they have the same control over their sex lives.

I can see this being used to make the argument that women are the ones with the real power. But if real power was sexual power then men would have given up their powerful, esteemed positions a long time ago (especially during WWII when women took over male jobs. Why not tell the women to stay in those jobs while men

And what about this idea of female competition that is celebrated in our culture, women fighting over the same guy for whatever reason? For so long men held the REAL power because they had power and money and marrying them was the only way to avoid becoming destitute. And still today, if a woman wants marriage or to

Between the 20-something women study and 'visual creatures' thing, it seems like we're supposed to infer men are incapable of being intellectual stimulated by a woman or being turned on by emotional connections. I think if women were to be honest with themselves then yes, 20-something year old men in their physical

Especially as women become more financially independent. Your options open up when you're not desperately looking for a man to take care of you. When you're not at the mercy of money, you have the luxury of considering shallow/sexual/physical desires that men have gotten to embrace for centuries. Maybe the cliche of

So basically, women have more realistic expectations, thus their expectations are more frequently realized.

Yeah, he's a delusional.

Tell me about it. He was one of the many reasons I watched Hairspray. Marsden is my weakness.

I love that you refer to him as Harry Potter as if the character of Harry Potter was actually in Kill Your Darlings.

Yup. People often talk about the problem of under aged people looking older than they are but they forget it can work the other way: people who look like jail bait or close to jail bait when they're not. It's kind of a blessing and curse.

According to IMDB, he was born in 1988. So, he's not as young as he looks. Because of his baby face, I thought he was younger than me but he's actually older (just by a year). I also have the same problem as him (and Ellen Page) of people thinking I'm younger than I am which can be annoying when you're flirting with

In terms of lack of clothing and sexual position, he was in the submissive position rather than the woman for a change. I like when power dynamics gets switched up in a sexual context. Fun times!

9:37 "I'm the one who makes you moan." Jake is getting real bold up in here.

More love scenes between these two please! They're lovely together. And they have great chemistry even when Olivia is destroying the mood by talking about rape. Also, I'm done with Fitz. Every time he appears on screen, I either roll my eyes or sneer. Go away Mr. President.

Good for her for trying to normalize cunnilingus as much as blowjobs are normalized.

I was wondering that too. During that scene, I was like "damn! How many boy toys are you trying to have here?"

One of the most entertaining couples ever. I love them together. Both talented, beautiful, funny people.

I wish Watson could do that to 4chan.

It should be Women: being a convenient scapegoat since the Garden of Eden.

Yeah, feminism has nothing to do with it. Horny feelings is the culprit. Seems pretty obvious