
Thanks for listening. Oh, if by some rare fluke Emma Watson is reading this - many on 4chan respect what you're doing as a moderate, balanced feminist and we don't hate you like we hate the SJW's"

They just said they would fap if the nudes were real (like a lot of the other hacked female celebrity photos), not if Watson consented. They never claimed they give a damn about her consent (they sure don't care about the consent of other celebrities) which makes it hard to believe their claim that they respect her

Thanks! I'm embarrassed to say I'm not familiar with Groupthink and I'm not sure how it works. So, I don't have an answer for whether it was shared on Groupthink.

"Dating up" and "Dating down" is all relative to what you value most in a partner. Dating a dumb hot chick is dating up for someone who places a lot of value on looks but it could be dating down for someone who puts a lot of value on brains.

I want to see more plain-looking women dating super hot guys. There are so many plain or shlubby guys who-because of money or personality or both-are dating conventionally attractive women. Yet I don't see as many plain women-no matter financial status or personality-get as much love from hunky dudes. I think this

My dad has two great sayings

That sounds frustrating.

I had a friend who, like me, is a pretty low maintenance bookworm. And she dated this guy who wanted to buy her jewelry and show off how much money he had. And she had to keep reminding him she doesn't care about material stuff but he wouldn't listen. He seemed so disappointed and confused. She told him that if he

I think as a woman, you're supposed to just put yourself last and gallantly take on the responsibility no questions asked. It's only men who are allowed to enjoy their youth and have fun in the single life. Women are supposed to blindly love being married and pretend like marriage never has any downsides for them. Set

That's why I was/am against J-Law dating Martin. She doesn't need any of that baggage right now. She's young, beautiful, talented and rich, she should enjoy her youth with guys in the same league as her. Dating a man with an ex-wife and kids feels like it can get too serious and messy too quickly and you don't need

So true. I've actually been dumped by a couple of guys because they felt that I was "above" them and they couldn't see the value they brought to the relationship (full disclosure: one of them was probably just trying to "let me down easy", but the other one was 100% genuine in this belief). It is incredibly

Yes! That's a brilliant idea.

Don't drive yourself crazy by trying to reason with them. You can't apply logic to the illogical thinking of immature bigots. They are proudly willfully ignorant. It's like when republicans, in a ploy to make the democrats move further right, call Obama an extreme leftist when he's really centrist. 4chan users

Wow. Why am I not surprised? Washington is a perfect human being. I love her so much!

She has a lot of character. I have tremendous admiration and respect for her. She's handled a lot of BS with grace that would enrage and/or depress many other people.

4chan knows a thing or two about being moderate and balanced just like Fox News.

Only 4chan would think that masturbating to a woman's photo is holding her in high esteem. Jesus.

Same here. I haven't mastered the art of eating something as crumb-tastic as popcorn without getting crumbs all over me. And if I wear something white or light-colored, I will find a way to get it stained even if I don't remember how.

Please, pass it on. Learning this basic fact about bigots helped me to deal with all the madness so I hope it can do the same for others.

Oh my god, where is that gif from? That's hilarious.