
Joshua Malina tweet: "Wow. Did I just read a @nytimes piece that reduced my brilliant, creative, compassionate, thoughtful, badass boss to an "angry black woman?"

Those peeps didn't get laid in high school. Straight up Rick Santorum. As a feminist who didn't get laid in high school, fuck these motherfuckers.

Definitely. It reminds of why there's no equivalent for being pussy-whipped. There's no dick-whipped term because that's not supposed to be a bad thing. The only one that should be doing the dominating is men according to MRA guys. And it's just another example of their projection. MRA jerks don't want equality, they

Of course. If you're conditioned to feel better than women then you'll stoop to any low to create a false sense of superiority. This fear and insecurity is what drives the hate. To keep poor whites from questioning class-related issues that kept them in poverty, they were distracted with racism. The poor whites that

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BTW, here's a short clip of Wanda Sykes talking about the idiocy of reverse racism, which is where I first heard someone mention the idea that racist people are afraid of karma (which sums up my point). I just added to what she said that this fear can parallel with any form of bigotry.

That's a good point about Zachary Quinto who's also crush-worthy. I agree about the actor's sexual orientation being irrelevant. I never considered Sulu/Chekov but now that I think about it, in regards to the movie reboots, they would make a cute couple. So, that's a good choice too. Anything that would involve

Yeah, Kirk and Spock can have each other. I like Sulu/Uhura. I know George Takei is gay but I think Sulu was straight and harbored a secret crush on Uhura. I wish they developed that more in the movies rather than the Spock and Uhura pairing (not just because I have a crush on John Cho and would like to see him in

Of course. I'm not the first to come up with the basic concept.

Also, there's this irrational fear that bigots have that they will be treated as awfully as they've treated the oppressed group, thus, acknowledging that the oppressed group got a shit deal. White racists irrationally feared that black people would enslave them and treat them as subhumans (still do. Look at all the

If your whole identity and self worth is being better than a specific group of people then of course, you will react irrationally to them making any strides. Even though I know this intellectually, it still never seizes to amaze me how hateful, paranoid and heartless these lowlifes can be.

Oh, lord. This reminds me of the other stories of women who constantly orgasm. I remember one story where the woman committed suicide because she couldn't take it anymore. I hope that doesn't happen here with this guy. I hope a cure or at least a treatment can be found soon.

did someone say high forehead?

So that's why Nightmare Before Christmas merchandises are so popular! Brilliant!

Oh, my goodness. She wrote that women only pretend to like Bob Dylan to impress men. Are you fucking kidding me? This is yet another example of her sexist bullshit against her own gender. Bob Dylan wrote and sang about social issues like war, race, activism, etc. Why would women not care about that stuff? Cause he's

I just like looking at him. I never said he had the voice of Barry White. He would look better without the tattoos but even with them, he looks great (you can't even see the tattoos in the picture). Does the fedora really change his already sexy facial structure? I get a more cool Humphrey Bogart feel from it rather

My mistake. I thought you were saying that Owen was the sexiest man to ever grace the cover of GQ. But yeah, ageism is an issue that still affects women way worse. No matter how successful, talented, dynamic, or rich a woman is, her wrinkles are seen as a blemish while a man's wrinkles adds character to his face and

Finally, now men can join the conversation around pre-cellulite and growing less attractive as the years roll by like their good looks in faded photos.

So true. It gives more meaning to my child molester example because women and children are put in the same category of being easy targets because of physical size relative to men and lack of power.