It's fortunate that, over the age of 22, I gave less and less of a shit what a man thought about me. Or what anyone else thought about me, for that matter.
It's fortunate that, over the age of 22, I gave less and less of a shit what a man thought about me. Or what anyone else thought about me, for that matter.
Stereotype = wishfully perpetuated by old guys who're desperate to convince the 20-year-olds that all women like older men.
No, as long as you totally understand why your girlfriends/wives want men with a full head of hair, and never, ever use the term "gold digger".
So, has anyone been watching the Roosevelts Documentary series that's been airing on PBS? It's really good. They don't romanticize anything. They show the good and the bad sides of a very influential, complex family. Just when I thought I couldn't respect Eleanor Roosevelt anymore, I learn something new about her that…
I'm a black woman and I looked up to Elise Keaton too when I was growing up. While Clair and Cliff seemed to both being making a lot of money, it was always implied that Elise was the one bringing the most money to the household and her husband wasn't intimidated by that. She was similar to Clair in that she could be…
I love that episode. If I remember correctly, Cliff was backstage with a janitor, cheering on his wife and just being wowed by her. It was another example of how Cliff admired Clair's strength, eloquence and intelligence. I love images of power couples whether it's fictional Clair and Cliff Huxtable or real life…
Good for you! Everyone deals with toxic households in different ways. Similar to your situation, I have someone in my family-let's call her Abby-who resented her mom being a submissive pushover and putting up with a cheating husband (her mom was also an immigrant. No physical abuse. Just cheating which is still…
Yes! Thank you! I was driving myself crazy, trying to remember it.
You're welcome. I picture myself as the overzealous puppy and you as the sad cat. "Cheer up and feel all of the affection! Allow me to adorably flail my paws around as I awkwardly attempt to hug you" -puppy
OR seek therapy and try to work on healthy methods to relieve stress and manage feelings (whether it's taking a walk, meditating, running, smoking weed-just kidding on the last one but not really-etc). Getting all-if not, most-of your shit under control preferably before you have kids. Also, some people are just not…
Even if a child is never physically abused, it still traumatizes them to live in a home where the abuse of a parent is normalized. Every child deserves to feel safe and at peace, especially in their own damn home. It's sad when a parent is too selfish to respect that. Childhood is so precious because it goes by so…
I suspect it's because they subconsciously want to reclaim control of the abusive situation. I heard about this concept in psychology class. I forgot the term for it. You have an abusive and/or alcoholic parent and as a child, you are powerless. As an adult, you find someone with a similar personality to the damaged…
Great article and so true. Clair could be gentle when she needed to be but also assertive when she needed to be. A great role model. People often talk about Cosby Show in terms of how progressive it was when it came to race but neglect to mention gender. I see a lot of Clair in my mom who is both a career woman and…
Yeah, when I realized it, it was too late to edit my post. But woman are definitely capable of sexism (and of course, racism) so my point still stands.
I've seen some sexy cops here in NYC (of different races too!) that made me think "Damn! I wouldn't mind getting handcuffed by him"
Oh, come on! Between this and Tom Hardy with his dog... This feels like it serves the same purpose as the "Hey Girl" Ryan Gosling memes. And he's a cop with probably a sexy foreign accent. Kill me now. Let me guess; he's great with kids, he cooks too, he's giving/passionate in bed and enjoys intellectually stimulating…
This is like a CW show's idea of what a nerd looks like which is basically a hot guy with glasses.