
Use Cuddlr when you want to hold and be held, to feel like all is right with the world, and to have a simple connection without expectation.

"I love to watch. And use my fingers."

Because men interpret "sexual freedom" as "Sluts. Sluts everywhere. A slut for you! A slut for you!"

read in man-child whiny voice: But-but-but how can men ever talk to women if they can't be sexually hostile, use intimidation tactics, humiliate her and treat her like a sex object? I mean, catcallers are just trying to continue the very noble process of procreation. Can't you see this? There is absolutely NO OTHER

Seriously! Just because you enjoy the songs doesn't mean you should date the man who sings it. It's just like how you shouldn't automatically date the author of your favorite book. Most people we idolize turn out to never live up to the hype and starting a relationship with stars in your eyes always leads to disaster.

Shakespeare, eat your heart out.

That dude has my ideal body type for a dude (not too beefy, not too skinny) And that V-line...

Demonstrate to a girl that you won't try and force the issue and you'll get snuggly with a lot of them.

As a girl, I had to learn that same lesson when it came to guys. Stop putting them on pedestals and don't obsess over them. There's tons of self-help books and inspirational quotes aimed at women about not being clingy/needy and 'don't chase after a man who doesn't want you'. However, it's rare to see the same help

Rejection is a blessing in disguise. Would you rather live a lie and be with someone who doesn't really love/like you? Rejection hurts but it's better than being led on and having someone waste your time. Once I get the message a guy doesn't want me, it makes it easier to move on because there's plenty of other

But I already dated Hades. It was overrated.

There's no 'almost' about. A woman's perspective is not respected. It's not until she's viewed as another man's property that she gets left alone.

Because she's a mean person and she knows that's a weak spot. It's also the same reason a scorned guy attacks a guy's penis size or calls him a pussy or virgin. It's also the same reason a scorned man who's angry at a girl will call her ugly (beauty is what defines a woman's worth, right?)

She didn't - but he says he dropped her first. sigh.

What disturbed me the most about the female celebrity photo hacking was that it wasn't about the nudity for many of the jerks who looked at the photos. A lot of them were reveling in the "Haha! She feels violated. I get off on humiliating women" and they even turned their hostility on Emma Watson, trying to make her

It shows that maybe it is good for women to let there be a time lapse. Use it as a litmus test to weed out the crazies.

If men could handle directness from women then women wouldn't be conditioned from the time they were girls to walk on eggshells to avoid hurting men's feelings.

The problem is they don't want to be rejected period (understandable) whether gently or directly. I remember a Nice Guy complaining about being friends with a girl, admitting his feelings to her and her kindly rejecting him then she asked if they can still be friends. He thought it was so cruel of her to ask. So WTF

Remember that OKCupid survey that basically said black women were the last choice for every guy? I always suspected that all the non-black men assumed that every black woman has already been with a black man so they're like "why should I even bother? My penis can't compare" It's bad enough when a man feels money is

Damn. I was reading a book about freedom riders and white women who were freedom riders received the same messages. So some people are still living in the 1950s/60s. Also black female civil rights activists had to deal with calls from white male racists who were OBSESSED with pestering them about black men's dick