Some people have a history of trauma that predisposes them to anxiety around members of the opposite sex in certain contexts,
Some people have a history of trauma that predisposes them to anxiety around members of the opposite sex in certain contexts,
Wow. Yes. If it was the same guy, that would be freaky. Mine was Filipino.
I've had patients legitimately hit on me — one immediately after her abortion, and another right after a pelvic exam.
I can't believe these stories. It's like something out of a sketch comedy show.
The people in privilege write the rules along race, gender and sexual orientation lines. It's why white slave-owners got to be the sluttiest and force themselves on black women while painting black women as the hypersexual jezebels who couldn't control her lust. It's why homophobes can cheat on their wives and treat…
I was conflicted about the song but I leaned more towards what you were saying. It's not about "Fix this man with your love" but it's about saying "everyone has flaws and we should encourage each other to be good people" Also, when it does mention "true love", it was foreshadowing her sister, not her romantic…
Remember the book turned movie "He's Just Not That Into You" about telling women to take a god damn hint and move on? Can we have a male version of that? Just something to counteract the PUA delusion that when men are clingy, it just means they're being persistent. Maybe Greg Behrendt and Steve Harvey can join forces…
I think a more understandable complaint is the song "Fixer Upper" which seems to promote the wrong/unhealthy idea that a woman can change a man with her love even if there's a point where the female troll character clarifies that's not what she means. The song also foreshadows the importance of Anna and Elsa's…
I have tremendous love and respect for Mayim Bialik. I appreciate her pointing out feminism isn't about male bashing but did she forget about Kristoff? He was kinda of grumpy and anti-social. Anna didn't get along with him at first. Yet he turned out to be a genuinely good guy while the seemingly 'Nice Guy' Prince…
I'm not a fan of Harry Styles but my physical attraction to men is a mixed bag. As a twenty-five year old, I can appreciate older looking guys but I also can appreciate a twenty-something year old with boyish charm-Hence, my celebrity crushes ranging from Idris Elba to Evan Peters.
I've been replying to you because you seemed like you were open to a genuine discussion/debate. If I saw you just as a troll who wanted to insult me then I wouldn't have engaged in a conversation with you. If you want to resort to suggesting things about my mental state even though I never resorted to suggesting…
Well I wasn't saying that the men in Vegas were the only ones having fun - I meant to say that the douchebag-materialistic golddigger relationship was symbiotic - each party was getting something they wanted, and so who are we to come along and tell them they are wrong? They are adults just like us.
I know I'm making assumptions. But it was a good chance to point to a larger issue and a troubling pattern that's bigger than dating rituals. I see this irrational thinking come up a lot when I overhear certain men venting about the dating scene. It's a popular topic that guys complain about, write stories about,…
Although if the point is just to sleep with women while they take advantage of that bank account, then this will probably work out in hi favor.
This guy will never be happy with who he gets because he's the type of guy who doesn't know what he wants. The complaint is either women are "too independent and uppity" or we're "golddigging whores" I'm sure no woman will live up to his impossible standards because they'll fall into either category
Damn it. Too late to correct myself. In the second paragraph, I meant to say 'golddigging whores', not 'stuck up whores'
It seems like such a dull and empty life. Whether it's casual sex or serious relationship, the journey is way more fun when you put work into having charm, character, wit, intelligence and personality. It's easier for people to like you for you if you work on being an interesting person. Like attracts like. I like…
If you already start out with a low opinion of women then there's going to be a confirmation bias. You'll focus only on the negative and delude yourself into thinking that's all there is. Maybe there's even a masochistic part of you that's purposely avoiding seeing the positive because you find more comfort in…
No one is denying there aren't those types of women. The problem is the hypocrisy of these types of men. Women witness it all the time; men are shallow when it comes to looks but get super judgey if a woman is shallow in terms of money. Why is one type of shallowness more valid than another?-Answer: anything men do is…