First you need to find a grumpy cat whose muscular and slams his paws on the table and stares you straight in the eye because he's had enough of your bullshit.
First you need to find a grumpy cat whose muscular and slams his paws on the table and stares you straight in the eye because he's had enough of your bullshit.
Extra cool points for T-Swift for naming her cat Olivia Benson. I'm a dork and a sucker for Law and Order: SVU where rapists get their comeuppance more than they do in real life
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
That is one handsome otter
Even among the men who love period sex, there's a split. Some are really keen on the ancillary benefits, like the horniness and free lube: "The ability to trigger cascading orgasmic freak-outs, he said, was incentive enough to perform cunnilingus on vaginas that tasted 'like very rare steak' and postcoital…
I can see why this might be creepy to some people, like a hippy/french dude who's a little too into a woman who doesn't shave and likes her being au naturel.
This made me laugh because I'm a twelve year old girl trapped in a twenty-five year old woman's body.
I know there are guys who are okay with penetrative sex for all the reasons listed in the article. I even heard a guy claimed he liked it because he likes to pretend the girl is a regenerating virgin and he's breaking the hymen (uh... okay?) But DAYUM! Cunnilingus? These men are freaks and I kinda dig it.
Gross. But being a black girl who's dated white men, I can second that emotion. Not all, but plenty gave me similar bullshit speeches. Some guys just can't handle that you don't want to be with them and instead need to take it to some level of sexism/racism to prove to themselves that it isn't really them, it's…
And on top of that, you have all these messages of the many precautions women are supposed to take around men (usually advice given by men who concede that men are sociopaths) and all the heat women take for the 'friend-zone' and it's like "should I just not interact with men at all to avoid these problems? There's so…
It's like police brutality. It's always existed but we have technology now that makes it harder to sweep things under the rug. In that same vein, technology makes it harder to keep up the pretense that "guys don't get emotional/clingy" when you have repeated evidence of guys being whiny babies on OKCupid.
At least women had the excuse that historically they were conditioned to be financially dependent on men and have their self-worth depend on a man, thus, their desperation for a man's attention and validation. Men seem to always pride themselves on not getting attached (being aloof like James Bond, 'bros before hos'…
Wow. He sounds really insecure at best and potentially dangerous at worse. Even if she was blowing him off, it's okay to be disappointed but you don't have to throw a tantrum. There are other fish in the sea, dude.
Maybe if he had some friends and a life then he wouldn't be obsessed with you. Jeez, do these guys have no pride? It just reeks of desperation and/or serial killer vibes.
putting her in handcuffs was unnecessary and ego-driven.
The thing she did 'wrong' was annoy the hell out of a police officer. For a power-tripping cop, that's the greatest crime.
It's confusing because it varies state-to-state. And if you're not driving a car when they stopped you, I can understand people assuming it's wrong. And if you're black, it could be viewed as a new way of asking them for their "Freedom Papers." It's worsened by the fact that cops tend to be really prideful, vague and…
Absolutely. If she had been a lawyer (or god forbid, a judge) throwing out legal terms and asking "Am I free to go? What's your probable cause?" then he probably would have been the nervous one. Education/knowing your rights is scary to power-tripping egomaniacs. That's why oppressed groups tend to always be banned by…