
Not gonna lie, I'm turned on by a lot of hardcore stuff in porn. I'm turned on by stuff in porn that I would never even do in real life. And that I probably wouldn't admit to if I was asked for a study. And once you plugged my vagina into the thingamajig and actually measured my level of arousal, chances are my

Maybe it's because I'm ovulating but that picture is bootyful. I mean beautiful.

I agree. I notice some women will admit to using sex in unhealthy ways. Good luck finding a man who will admit that he used sex to fill an emotional void since all men aren't supposed to have feelings to hurt nor be vulnerable to having low self-esteem. It's sad.

As a black woman, I totally understand. It's dehumanizing. Not only are you seen as inferior just by being a woman. But on top of that, you're a person of color which makes you viewed as even more inferior. Having to deal with that double burden of inferiority is exhausting because you just want the benefit of being

Hunnam helped me to appreciate blonde men. Until him, I didn't really care about blonde guys.

That's hilarious. Better yet, Satan should be more supportive of my carnal desires by throwing John Meyer in the burning pit and tossing boring Chris Martin into purgatory. Afterwards, I'll take Idris Elba

Some people are just not meant to be husbands/wives. I understand that congresspeople are still pressured to put on a show about having a traditional marriage but I wish more congresspeople would be brave enough to say from the start, "Yeah. I'm just going to stay single and fuck around with different people. But I'll

What does logic have to do with anything?

Aw... What he lacks in height he can make up for in other ways...

I have no idea. But if I was J-Law, I would date one of my male co-stars from my movies like other celebrities do. Why not date Liam Hemsworth (if he's single)? And I certainly wouldn't kick Josh Hutcherson out of bed. So many better options! So many!

I know. Same here. I was being facetious (kinda), making the cliche joke that super attractive people don't have to be nice, suggesting that Mayer isn't handsome enough to get away with his level of douchery.

In the second picture, Hathaway is like "WTF am I doing?"

It's like he's the only choice available. These women are in HOLLYWOOD. They can't find better men to date? (if not in the personality department then at least in the looks department. Shoot higher!)

I know why. Mayer has a reputation of being a narcissistic douchebag. J-Law seems way too good for him.

Thanks. I think people forget that girls can internalize masculinity expectations too, not just boys. After all "being a man" is touted as the most important thing so why wouldn't girls as well as boys idolize and emulate masculinity? Growing up, my father (who is straight) was put through the wringer for liking

That's why I like the movie, Legally Blonde. That movie challenged my over-simplistic views of feminism. And I think it contributed to me learning it's okay to enjoy stereotypically feminine things too and it doesn't make me any less. I can like action movies but also like romance. I can like the color blue and the

Even though I was a girl, my favorite color was blue for the same reason. I knew it was a "boy color" and I was conditioned to believe that "boy stuff" is superior to "girl stuff" and I wanted to be the cool girl.

An example of this is:

I never had any wedding fantasies as a young girl which probably explains why, even though I was close to my dad, I never proclaimed wanting to marry him (or any guy, for that matter) I never enjoyed playing with dolls or pretending to be married-There's nothing wrong with it but it always struck me as boring. Even as

It's all about context. Not every person who dates their own race is racist, BUT there are a lot of people who have racial biases that affects their mate choosing