
The statefarm ad below this post is red. Do y'all think it's trying to mate with me?

Eh, don't give people too much shit for sending pictures. I'm pretty sure it's a European thing. A college roommate of mine was from Finland and we lived together while she was job-hunting. She sent a basic headshot with her resume and cover letter wherever she applied overseas, although I think I talked her out of it

If there is a test that will tell you whether a guy is going to be a terrible boyfriend, a high school boy will fail that test every time. They're all clueless well meaning munchkins, but dang do they suck in most ways.

Ooh! Oooh! My school did this!

I don't know what the "average" teenager does. But I know I bought a nice dress ($300) and shoes ($50), got my nails done ($15), got my hair done at my mom's salon ($80), and then had to pay for dinner ($20?) and my share of the limo ($40). Plus my date bought my ticket, but those ran around $50. So it adds up.

Sultry eyes are all attitude. Girl went to prom and WORKED IT.

I think it's the new-and-improved waistline that really gets me. Like... ugh. No. Stop.

Oh my god actually though

Taylor Swift: Unusually popular with dads.

As a huge TSwizzle fan, I will try to explain:

I've found the opposite actually. Of my peers, I can tell that the ones who read all the Harry Potter books are generally more fond of books in general than the ones who waited for the movies. We were also kids when Harry Potter first came out, so maybe that has something to do with it (speaking as a 21 year old now)

I blasted cosmo for running an article like this a few months ago, and now my beloved Jez is doing it too?

Agreed. Speaking as a New England college student, we don't see the sun for like 6 months of the year! By the time spring comes, we all must be totally vitamin D deficient, right? It's madness! It takes all the willpower I've got not to strip naked on the first sunny day of March.

Oh my god, take your children to a beach in Europe. Then talk to me.

True story: when I was maybe 15 I went on the pill for endometriosis. I took it continuously (following doctor's orders) and would only get my period once a year or something. My friend's mom had a fit. She was SO worried about me, because "that just can't be healthy. It's not natural"

Let's just call everybody "person sized"

I agree pretty much. Basically, when I'm on a date, I'm kind of trying to please the guy usually (if like, I know I like him). So if I think a guy would like to see me in a skirt, I'll wear a skirt. Boom.

This though. Yes.